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Anyone capable of discussing gas without politics? Anyone?

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$2.09 a gallon..ha

This may seem like a rant but its an essay I am writing and still working to completion:


America faces many crises at this point in its history.
The energy crisis is crucial to our survival in economic, social, and cultural terms. Gas prices are an indicator of how little control, we as Americans, have in our every day life. Before I begin, let me say again for those who may have forgotten, this is the greatest country on the earth. With all of our faults and problems, the American experiment is alive and well. The energy crisis is real and will not go away now or in the foreseeable future. Instead we should make the renewal of America the first priority. How many of you remember the facts that America responded to the challenge on the Space Race, the challenge of communism, fascism, the Nazi threat, and developed the Atomic Bomb? Let us examine the problem and put forward short-term and long-term viable solutions. In the short term we can begin exploration and drilling in areas that we have control. We should look at every viable site for oil and begin to tap that resource. We must take control of the oil that we have and while doing so; make a strident effort to make minimal damage to the environment and wildlife. The automakers must become a part of this process and have a government-sanctioned mandate to manufacture and guarantee that all vehicles on the highway get a minimum of 40 miles per gallon by the year 2012. To assist in this process we can offer government incentives to help American car manufacturers. To help finance this government program we should levy a hefty tax on any imported automobile and for that matter any imported item. This will help the government's abysmal financial situation and help/force America to again become the leading manufacturer of industrial and consumer products. Do you remember when the term, Made in America, actually meant the highest quality. We must do all we can to make that reality again. This will help our economy in so many ways and provide jobs to Americans. To help with that mandate, the speed limit must be lowered to 55 miles an hour maximum nationwide. I love to go fast more than any driver alive, but enough is now enough. In addition, we must have a Manhattan Project-type effort to develop alternative energy sources. ?Accelerated development of nuclear fission power plants may be necessary in the short run, but note that we have yet to solve the problem of disposal of their radioactive waste, much of which will remain deadly for tens of thousands of years. Nuclear FUSION (which does not produce the radioactive waste of fission) may be the ultimate solution, though the technological obstacles are still formidable.? 1. (Quote from Phillip Locke)

While some may think that this is science fiction, we must remember that space travel, transplanting a heart, robot aided surgery, nuclear power, computers and so many others were mere figments of the imagination at one time. All of the renewable energy sources must be strengthened and expanded. Electric power must be expanded and provided by wind, hydroelectric, and even geothermal energy sources. It is time to Make America for Americans. We can solve the innumerable problems facing America. Among those problems are illegal immigration, loss of values, violence, energy dependence, a non-declared war in the Middle East, a lack focus on education and endless discussions for political gain. I have found that Americans talk more and say less than anyone on earth. Let us begin nurturing and stop babying our children. Stop using the television as a babysitter. It will take some work. It will take supreme effort and focus and if we once again roll up our sleeves, focus on what is right for America, quit our endless bickering and stride forward bravely. We can and will be victorious.
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If this keeps up gasoline will end up costing as much as bottled water.

Meanwhile, we're turning our government over to people who refuse to drill for oil, tax the shit out of gasoline, block construction of refineries and nuclear power plants, and see "windfall profits" taxes on oil companies as a solution to high gas prices. :roll2:

If you think prices are high NOW...you ain't seen nuthin' yet.
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Jake;1164196; said:
If this keeps up gasoline will end up costing as much as bottled water.

Meanwhile, we're turning our government over to people who refuse to drill for oil, tax the shit out of gasoline, block construction of refineries and nuclear power plants, and see "windfall profits" taxes on oil companies as a solution to high gas prices. :roll2:

If you think prices are high NOW...you ain't seen nuthin' yet.

Here's my jaded economic theory...

Oil prices keep going up, gasoline is out of control, we continue driving as much as we did before prices were high, car companies start selling fuel more efficient cars because that's what people want this year, car sales goes to the moon and oil is now being conserved. Exxon lowers the price/gallon to sell more and the economy gets a shot in the arm just by trading in the Suburban for a Civic. Greenspan move over.
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