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Anna Nicole Smith - Dead and Stuff (MERGED)

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tibor75;745131; said:
Good riddance. The world is better now that your worthless ass is gone.

Wow that's harsh!

Meaning, her ass could have been worth hundreds of millions depending on the rulings of the courts.
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BB73;745133; said:
Wow that's harsh!

Meaning, her ass could have been worth hundreds of millions depending on the rulings of the courts.

Well, since she's dead, I assume the case is 'dead'? Or can one of her heirs take it up?

Might have to go back to the Supreme Court to decide that.
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Obviously Hollywood is viewed through a theatrical prism. That being said, there is a family out there that has gone through the tragic deaths of two close members in the past few months (Anna and her son). That's enough for me to be saddened by the sudden death of anyone. That person may have had questionable character.....but I'd wager that there are good people out there mourning her passing. Let's at least respect that fact.
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