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And you think Texas doesnt have a chance?

If Fresno State can hang with the Trojans I don't see how anyone can count out the Longhorns. Call me crazy but USC's defense doesn't impress me nearly as much as Texas's. The way I see it Texas has an advantage when it comes to the big uglies not to mention I think they are going to be playing with a much larger chip on their shoulders. Everyone and their mom is trying to call this USC team the best team that's ever played under the sun but they've yet to prove themselves the best team of 2005. Yeah, USC is good but they are going to have to do a hell of a lot more than just showing up to win.

Note* Not trying to bash Fresno State here. I gotta show the Bulldogs some love considering I was born in Fresno.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Ohio State also let quite a few teams hang around with them in the NC season. I don't think that's a reason to hold against a team, especially when they are playing someone tough. I would also have to disagree with you when it comes to the "big uglies". If you look at the holes that Lendale White ran thru against OU last season and the holes that Bush ran thru this season, you would have to appreciate this nasty OL that SC has. On the other side of the ball, Texas has a very good DL. However, it gave up some major yardage on the ground to some good teams. Keep in mind they are playing Bush and White, the best 1-2 punch at RB in the game right now.

SC should not be considered a great team in history. However, the attributes that they possess this season is, unfortunately, enough to carry them over a Texas team that has not really done much besides getting lucky in the Shoe.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but Ohio State also let quite a few teams hang around with them in the NC season. I don't think that's a reason to hold against a team, especially when they are playing someone tough. I would also have to disagree with you when it comes to the "big uglies". If you look at the holes that Lendale White ran thru against OU last season and the holes that Bush ran thru this season, you would have to appreciate this nasty OL that SC has. On the other side of the ball, Texas has a very good DL. However, it gave up some major yardage on the ground to some good teams. Keep in mind they are playing Bush and White, the best 1-2 punch at RB in the game right now.

SC should not be considered a great team in history. However, the attributes that they possess this season is, unfortunately, enough to carry them over a Texas team that has not really done much besides getting lucky in the Shoe.

yea kinda my thoughts as well. hell we didnt even look that impressive against a so so san diego state team the week after. i look at it to be a USC win regardless. i dont expect it to be the blowout it was with choklahoma last year but i definitely wouldnt be surprised if it ended up being that way.
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Has anyone seen anything that would suggest that USC is even playing another team in the Rose Bowl? eSCn has already annointed SC as this years BEST TEAM EVER. Not one person is talking about the Longhorns. It's unbelievable.

That's going to motivate that team beyond belief. I am a big believer in Vince Young (I wasn't before this season). He is taking this team on his back. USC hasn't faced a defense like Texas this season. Not saying that Texas is going to shut them down, but I honestly think that the Texas defense can contain USC. Who really knows how truly great the USC offense is, anyway? They haven't faced a team with a great defense this entire season. The highest ranked defense they have faced is:

#34 Fresno St
# 36 Arkansas
#47 Cal
#48 Oregon

Those are the top 4 defenses that USC has faced.

Texas is the #6 overall defense in the nation. That makes all the difference, IMO.

Texas 28

USC 17
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Has anyone seen anything that would suggest that USC is even playing another team in the Rose Bowl?

That's going to motivate that team beyond belief. I am a big believer in Vince Young (I wasn't before this season). He is taking this team on his back. USC hasn't faced a defense like Texas this season. Not saying that Texas is going to shut them down, but I honestly think that the Texas defense can contain USC. Who really knows how truly great the USC offense is, anyway? They haven't faced a team with a great defense this entire season.

Texas 28

USC 17

has texas seen a team period this year?
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Has anyone seen anything that would suggest that USC is even playing another team in the Rose Bowl?

That's going to motivate that team beyond belief. I am a big believer in Vince Young (I wasn't before this season). He is taking this team on his back. USC hasn't faced a defense like Texas this season. Not saying that Texas is going to shut them down, but I honestly think that the Texas defense can contain USC. Who really knows how truly great the USC offense is, anyway? They haven't faced a team with a great defense this entire season. The highest ranked defense they have faced is:

#34 Fresno St
# 36 Arkansas
#47 Cal
#48 Oregon

Those are the top 4 defenses that USC has faced.

Texas is the #6 overall defense in the nation. That makes all the difference, IMO.

Texas 28

USC 17

I think if you were talking about another team not having faced against a tough D, thats fine. But we have to keep in mind that this SC team that dismantled several top defenses last season has came back this season basically intact. So the point that they haven't played any good defenses is really a moot point.

As far as the score that you provided, I believe that scenerio could happen if VY runs the ball effectively and the young LBers for SC can't tackle shit. However, with a very physical DL plus Darnell Bing playing SS, you gotta believe that the key to SC's defense is shutting down VY. I think that SC does not believe UT's WRs can beat them one on one consistently, so they will be putting bodies in the box.
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Has anyone seen anything that would suggest that USC is even playing another team in the Rose Bowl?

That's going to motivate that team beyond belief. I am a big believer in Vince Young (I wasn't before this season). He is taking this team on his back. USC hasn't faced a defense like Texas this season. Not saying that Texas is going to shut them down, but I honestly think that the Texas defense can contain USC. Who really knows how truly great the USC offense is, anyway? They haven't faced a team with a great defense this entire season. The highest ranked defense they have faced is:

#34 Fresno St
# 36 Arkansas
#47 Cal
#48 Oregon

Those are the top 4 defenses that USC has faced.

Texas is the #6 overall defense in the nation. That makes all the difference, IMO.

Texas 28

USC 17

JMHO BUT.... It still is a Home game for ScumLeft.....
And playing at home is HUGE
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On the other side of the ball, VY will go up against a very physical DL led by Jackson and backed by speedy and physical LBs plus Darnell Bing. VY's performance against OSU is not going to be enough to beat USC. Heck, it really wasn't enough to beat OSU considering that OSU really should have blown UT out by the number of opportunities it squandered.

Are you seriously, even for a second, comparing USC's defense as basically equal to ours?

Who has USC played this year with anyone even remotley like V Young?

Even though Bush and White will rack up alot of yards, UT has the athletes to keep them from breaking huge gains, and you are wrong about UT's DBs.

USC has the better offense, and TX has the better defense. I think UT's O vs USC's D gives UT a bigger advantage than USC's O vs UT's D.

Texas wins!
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I think if you were talking about another team not having faced against a tough D, thats fine. But we have to keep in mind that this SC team that dismantled several top defenses last season has came back this season basically intact. So the point that they haven't played any good defenses is really a moot point.
No, your point is moot. Let me refresh your memory of the 2003 Buckeyes. That team, even without dumbfuck Maurice was still the best team in the country until gamble got burned on a double move by Lee Evans in Madison one saturday night. The 2002 team won a national championship and brought nearly everyone back on offense and were supposed to go back to back. The point is what happens one season does not carry over to the next. You cannot use another season as an argument. IE Teddy Ginn.
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I have the same feeling going against SC as I did going against you guys:

"Of course we'll win. We've got so and so, and so and so, offense is good, D is good. But then again they've got so and so, so and so, their offense is good, their D is good. But we'll win. Well, maybe not. Of course we will. Well, maybe we won't. "....then take a couple aspirin and prepare for multiple heart attacks during the game.

UT: 31
SC: 28
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2005 USC is just so unbelievable. I mean come on, if 2005 USC had been around in 1939 we could have just sent them to kick Hitler's ass, and we would have never had a world war II. This is the best foot ball team ever, you could take the best players from all the other teams in the history of football, and 2005 USC would beat them 500 to -200.

Ok enough of what the ESPN would have you believe, 2005 USC is not the best team in history, they are not even the best team from their own schools history. The USC team from last year would kick their ass. I am not going to get into the PAC 10 schedule thing, because we will get a good indication of how tough USC's schedule has been when OU blows out Oregon. It was just 2 years ago when ESPN was telling us how OU was the best team in history, and look what happened to them. It's simple with ESPN, blow a team out by 70 points, and you are the best team in history. This game will be close, USC is not going to win easy, and I hope, oh do I hope that Texas wins, and even wins big. Nothing against USC, but I just can't stand hearing about how a team is "THE GREATEST EVER" every time the score gets run up.
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My question for ESPN would be, if Texas beats USC, does that make the Horns the best team ever? I doubt they would say that. This whole "best team ever" shite would simply be dropped and they would move on to their next obsession. :shake:
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No, your point is moot. Let me refresh your memory of the 2003 Buckeyes. That team, even without dumbfuck Maurice was still the best team in the country until gamble got burned on a double move by Lee Evans in Madison one saturday night. The 2002 team won a national championship and brought nearly everyone back on offense and were supposed to go back to back. The point is what happens one season does not carry over to the next. You cannot use another season as an argument. IE Teddy Ginn.

I'm not sure I understand your comparison. The 2002 OSU team didn't have the best offense, and neither did the 2003 team. I wasn't trying to say USC is going undefeated this season just because USC went undefeated last season. The point I'm trying to make is that since SC's offense dismantled OU's much heralded defense of last season and the fact that pretty much every key playmaker has returned on that offense and have performed at the same level, we shouldn't simply disregard SC as never having faced a tough defense.

"The point is what happens one season does not carry over to the next. "
If you have been paying attention to SC's offensive output, I think you would notice the fallacy of this statement with regards to SC's offense. Their offense has performed at a steady level now for three seasons. I'm not going to say how many points they will score against Texas, I'm just saying that they have to potential to do to Texas what they did to OU last season.
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Are you seriously, even for a second, comparing USC's defense as basically equal to ours?

Who has USC played this year with anyone even remotley like V Young?

Even though Bush and White will rack up alot of yards, UT has the athletes to keep them from breaking huge gains, and you are wrong about UT's DBs.

USC has the better offense, and TX has the better defense. I think UT's O vs USC's D gives UT a bigger advantage than USC's O vs UT's D.

Texas wins!

When did I compare SC's defense to ours?

SC has not played anyone like VY, but it doesn't mean they will let VY run all over them. They did face two Heisman candidates against OU last season though...

SC does not have a defense like ours, but neither does Texas. They gave up 28 at Okie State and 29 to Texas A&M, and had to come back from both to win. UT has a solid defense, probably a little better than SC right now, but that's debatable.
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