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And you think Texas doesnt have a chance?

Here are some stats on how the UT defense did against Okie State:
OSU put up 28 points, all in the first half. Mike Hamilton had 31 carries for 194 yards. I assume that most of the damage was done in the first half.

and against Texas A&M: they allowed two 100 yd rushers in McGee and Lane.

Needless to say, their run-defense better improve against SC.
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I think if you were talking about another team not having faced against a tough D, thats fine. But we have to keep in mind that this SC team that dismantled several top defenses last season has came back this season basically intact. So the point that they haven't played any good defenses is really a moot point.
like who? VT? They beat them... but they only scored 24 on that team... not exactly dismantling them. Cal and OU were remarkably overrated on defense... OU was lit up earlier in 2004 before the raping in the NC game. I think we found out how "good" cal's team was when they faced TxTech (3 yards shy of 600 yards).
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I still contend that OU had a very good defense in 2004 before they played SC. Curiously, Texas A&M and Oklahoma State were the games that OU's defense strugged, giving up 35 in each of these two contests. VaTech was the first game of the season, before Bush, White, Jarrett and Smith really emerged as superstars. These two defenses were as good as there were last season.
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Both of these teams are good. I think it will be a game of momentum but that Texas will win because of their defense. We have all of the classical incentives for Texas. The Heisman trophy. Endless adulation. Feeling that Vince Young has been really hard done by in the Heisman ceremony etc.

I think Texas by 10.
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This thread was brought up on espn by Rece Davis. It really might be one of the funnies things I have ever read.

We all know that Texas has no shot against the greatest football team of all time, so lets compare this USC team to some REAL opponents


I only read a bit of the thread. It was pretty funny.

I said at the begining of the season that USC is overrated. They may be the best team in the country, and easily win every game (though I'm going to stick by my prediction that Texas will win), but if USC is as good as they're hyped, they should have wiped out world hunger, as well as all crime in Los Angeles, and have a working prototype for an insterstellar spacecraft by now.
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Let me just say that I don't watch ESPN or tv at all for that matter, so my opinion of USC is not a result of being brainwashed by punks at the network. My (pro-SC) analysis comes from the observation of SC's success over the past three seasons and the matchups against UT based on their strengths and weaknesses. IMO, USC is defintely not even as good as they were last season and Texas definitely has a shot to knock them off, if their OL and RBs + VY can wear out the SC defense.
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You know, if my memory serves me correctly, a few years ago there was this college football team from somewhere in the midwest who won every single game that they played that season and at the end of the season ended up in the championship game playing another team that was undefeated and to top it all was part of an "amazing" winning streak. Now, and correct me if I'm wrong, but the second team was a goliath with in-human speed, talent at every position on offense and a cocksure-edness about them, a swagger if you will, that by itself should have won the game before it ever actually made it on to the playing field. The first team, though also being unbeaten, had "struggled" to put teams away and had way too many "close calls" to really be considered a legitimate contender to unseat this "Best of All Time" football team.

And then came the kickoff. From the first series, OSU's defense showed what they were made of. Miami looked like "Oh, shit." The rest of that game and we all know the end result.

My point here is, Texas, statistically is a much better team than OSU in '02. OK, and Offensively, so is USC than Miami. But Texas is the best Offense/Defense combo in D-1A. Why are they considered the underdog? to me, this defies logic. If I were Mack and Vince and the rest of the longhorns, I would not say anything just as they have and use it as fuel for the fire. If I were USC I would want the media to shut the hell up. If anyone thinks that Texas isn't going to be prepared AND fired up for this game and going in to it expecting to win AND to prove a point, then they are delusional. It may not be a 40+ point ass whuppin' like they put on everyone else(except for us) but USC might be in for a long night. If Notre Dames(no spelling error) defense could bring USC back within our stratosphere, then I expect Texas can bring them down to earth. My prediction:

UT 38

USC 21
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I believe that Texas is an underdog in this game because overall, it's dominant in only one aspect of the game, that is the power running game with VY and their talented backs. Their defense has shown against certain teams the propensity to give up yardage on the ground. A defense can not be considered dominant if it gives up yardage right up the gut, and I believe that this is one area where SC is going to exploit.

On the other hand, SC is dominant in both phases on offense, the run and the pass. They have shown it for the last three seasons. Their defense is certainly not dominant, but I believe they have enough athletes on that DL and at LB + SS to hold VY in check. In fact, I believe that this is the matchup that's going to determine the outcome of the game.
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I know that he is not the most popular man on this board but Lou Holtz made one of the greatest comments last night on the half time report.

Mark May, while kneeling before sir pete's halter, asked Holtz, " Your the coach, how would you stop this USC offense."

Holtz simply replied, "I go coach the Texas Longhorns"

that made my night
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Now, and correct me if I'm wrong, but the second team was a goliath with in-human speed, talent at every position on offense and a cocksure-edness about them, a swagger if you will, that by itself should have won the game before it ever actually made it on to the playing field.
But ... but, the Hurricanes did win the game before it was ever actually played ... they printed the flyers to prove it. :wink2:


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