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And you think Texas doesnt have a chance?

I watched our NC 2002 game again a few nights ago. Absolutely impressive in every way.

I know that few people agree with me but I believe Texas will win by at least 10 points. I also believe that Notre Dame was highly over-rated and will lose to us by at least two touchdowns.

Call me crazy but at least I'm putting it out there for everyone to see.
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Never seen this picture before...Herbie and Eddie's reaction says it all...

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This year's USC-Texas matchup reminds a lot of last year's SC-OU matchup, not really the OSU-Miami matchup. Remember, these two teams were 1 and 2 going into the season.
I thought this year was the first time ever that the #1 and #2 teams held that ranking all year, from pre-season to the last week. I don't think USC and OU were #1 and #2 at the beginning of the 2004 season.

Or am I thinking about the BCS rankings?
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I was referring to Texas and SC.

OSU was a team that no one gave a shot outside of Columbus all season. It was not until Oklahoma St. upset OU late in the season that OSU got the chance to play in the title game. And do not underestimate how much those OSU seniors learned through all the adversities that they had to go through during their years. You are talking about the firing of a coach, the program hitting its rock bottom after the loss to South Carolina, the hiring of a new coach, the wins over Michigan, all cumulating up to the Fiesta Bowl against Miami for the national title.

Texas is a very solid team, and if VY and those RBs are on the top of their game, has a shot to beat SC. However, I think UT's defense is overrated, and their DBs are not very strong. On the other side of the ball, VY will go up against a very physical DL led by Jackson and backed by speedy and physical LBs plus Darnell Bing. VY's performance against OSU is not going to be enough to beat USC. Heck, it really wasn't enough to beat OSU considering that OSU really should have blown UT out by the number of opportunities it squandered. And if you look at the rest of their schedule, no one else on their schedule really catches your eyes.
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If Fresno State can hang with the Trojans I don't see how anyone can count out the Longhorns. Call me crazy but USC's defense doesn't impress me nearly as much as Texas's. The way I see it Texas has an advantage when it comes to the big uglies not to mention I think they are going to be playing with a much larger chip on their shoulders. Everyone and their mom is trying to call this USC team the best team that's ever played under the sun but they've yet to prove themselves the best team of 2005. Yeah, USC is good but they are going to have to do a hell of a lot more than just showing up to win.

Note* Not trying to bash Fresno State here. I gotta show the Bulldogs some love considering I was born in Fresno.
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