Adam Locked
Texas Buckeye
Check this out, my favorite teams are: The Ohio State University (CFB), Houston Astros (MLB), San Antiono Spurs (NBA), and ofcourse Denver Broncos (NFL). Here's my history. I was born in Houston, Texas - that's why my Astros favortism comes from. Then I moved to Ohio (Marietta) and grew up as a child there for about 7 years, so then I became a Buckeyes fan. Since then I've moved to Louisiana (hate all their pro teams lol) and now I'm living back again in Houston, and attending college in College Station (NOT an Aggie fan! yuck!). ... so as for the Spurs and the Broncos I have my dad to thank for that. My father grew up in Colorado (Grand Junction) and became an avid Broncos fan. So he's raised me on Broncos football ever since I was born. Then the Spurs, are my newest favorite. I've always been a partial Spurs/Houston Rockets fan, but latley the Rockets players... I don't like any of them and I admire the way the Spurs play. So I've been a pretty avid Spurs fan for the past 5 years or so. I always get teasted about my four favorite sports teams are from different parts of the country, anyone else like this?
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