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Adam "Pacman" Jones (Cincinnati Bengals)

Pacman Jones being sought in connection with early Monday morning shooting involving his entourage.


ATLANTA (AP) -- Police were seeking Tennessee Titans cornerback Adam "Pacman" Jones for questioning about a shooting early Monday morning involving members of his entourage after a fight at an Atlanta strip club.
Jones is currently suspended by the NFL following a melee and shooting at a Las Vegas strip club and other scrapes with police.
Jones, his entourage and three other people got into a fight, apparently over a woman, at a club in DeKalb County around 4 a.m., Officer Ariel Toledo said.
After everyone involved left the club -- the three people in one car, and Jones and his entourage in three other cars -- someone in Jones' entourage shot at the car, and the others returned fire, Toledo said.
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Someone needs to send a message to PacMan that is well past time to stop the madness.

Yahoo - Two Felony Charges emanating from the Friday strip club melee that preceded the gun fight.

Adam 'Pacman' Jones to face 2 felony charges in Las Vegas
td.yspwidearticlebody { font-size: 13.5px; }By KEN RITTER, Associated Press Writer
June 20, 2007
LAS VEGAS (AP) -- Suspended NFL player Adam "Pacman" Jones will face two felony charges in a strip club melee that preceded a triple shooting in February, Las Vegas police and the Clark County District Attorney's office said Wednesday. Two other people previously identified by police as friends of the troubled Tennessee cornerback also will face felony charges in the fracas inside the Minxx club, police said in a statement.
Since Jones was drafted by the Titans in April 2005, police have interviewed him in 10 separate incidents. He has been arrested five times; he hasn't been convicted of any crimes.

Jones was being sought by police this week for questioning about a shooting early Monday involving members of his entourage after a fight at an Atlanta strip club.
No one is named in the Las Vegas shooting that occurred later outside the club and left a bar employee paralyzed and two others with minor injuries, police Capt. James Dillon said. Warrants were issued for the arrests of Jones, Robert Reid of Carson, Calif., and Sadia Morrison of New York, Dillon said.
The 23-year-old Jones, of Franklin, Tenn., faces two counts of felony coercion stemming from allegations he threatened to kill club employees and bit a bar bouncer on the ankle, according to a criminal complaint filed in Clark County District Court.
Mind of a 2-year old in a full grown body.
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Pac-Man Jones: 'I Will Be Nowhere Near Next Friday's Strip-Club Stabbing'

from the Onion

LOS ANGELES - Suspended Tennessee Titans cornerback Adam "Pac-Man" Jones called a press conference Tuesday in order to emphasize that he will be nowhere near a possibly fatal stabbing that will occur during a fight involving several members of his entourage and the bartender at an L.A.–area strip club this coming Friday. . . .

Pac-Man Jones: 'I Will Be Nowhere Near Next Friday's Strip-Club Stabbing' | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
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Column: NFL should ban 'Pacman' for good


AP Sports Columnist

You know you're a big time athlete when you've got a posse to do your dirty work for you. As posses go, Pacman Jones has a pretty good one, full of guys equally adept at picking up dollar bills showered on the strip club stage as they are trading shots with whoever gets in their way.
Pacman's entourage was at it again the other night in Atlanta, where police say they were involved in a shooting after an altercation at, yes, a strip club. This is a posse that seems to travel well, mixing it up on both sides of the country in the name of their man.
The timing of the shooting was a bit awkward, coming less than a week after Jones pledged to NFL commissioner Roger Goodell that he was going to turn his life around and become a productive citizen so he could play in the league once again.

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Pacman surrenders, makes bail at $20,000


Associated Press

LAS VEGAS - His distinctive dreadlocks gone, Adam "Pacman" Jones posted bail, walked out of jail early Friday and headed home to Nashville, leaving his lawyers to again sort out the legal entanglements of the suspended NFL player.
Jones surrendered to face charges in a Las Vegas strip club melee that preceded a triple shooting. The Tennessee Titans cornerback was released on $20,000 bail, and was scheduled to return for an initial court appearance July 23.
Jones will plead not guilty to two felony charges of coercion stemming from allegations that he threatened to kill Minxx club employees and that he bit a bar bouncer, his lawyers said.

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Tennessee may revoke Pacman's plea deal


Associated Press

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. - Adam "Pacman" Jones must wait to see how felony charges filed against him in Las Vegas are handled before a Tennessee court rules on whether the suspended NFL player's plea bargain should be revoked. A new hearing was set for Jan. 3 to revisit the case.
"I think we'll have to wait to see what happens in Las Vegas courts," Rutherford County General Sessions Court Judge David Loughry said Thursday.

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ESPN - Pacman cited for vehicular violations in Tennessee - NFL

Suspended NFL player Adam "Pacman" Jones received several driving citations in a traffic stop last month in Williamson County, Tenn., where he has a home.
Jones was pulled over June 10 at 8:30 a.m. in his orange Lamborghini sports car because the tags did not match the car, WKRN-TV in Nashville reported.
Sheriff's deputies said he had switched the plate from another vehicle he owns. He was cited with a registration violation, as well as a residency violation for having a Georgia license and failure to show proof of insurance.
Jones was scheduled for an Aug. 10 court appearance on the citations. The Tennessee Titans cornerback is currently suspended from the NFL for a year over several legal scrapes since being drafted in 2005. He faces felony coercion charges in connection with a Feb. 19 fight and triple-shooting at a Las Vegas strip club.
Jones also faces a felony charge of obstruction stemming from a physical altercation in February 2006 with an officer on patrol in Fayetteville, Ga., but no trial date has been set.
Last week a judge delayed a decision on whether to revive charges from an incident last August at a nightclub in Murfreesboro, just south of Nashville. Police said Jones got into an argument with a woman, refused to leave the club and shouted profanities at officers.

is it time for the death penalty on his nfl career?
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Agent: Pacman hopes to take part in camp


Associated Press

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Titans cornerback Adam "Pacman" Jones is hoping his suspension doesn't keep him out of training camp or preseason games, his agent said Tuesday.
Agent Michael Huyghue said NFL commissioner Roger Goodell never ruled out training camp or preseason games when he suspended the cornerback for the 2007 season for his off-field conduct. Jones can have his case reviewed after the Titans' 10th game.
"Now we're optimistic that Pac will get to participate in training camp and play in preseason games," Huyghue said. "We don't want to get ahead of ourselves. That's a determination the commissioner is going to make."
News of Jones possibly taking part in training camp first was reported by ESPN.com and indicated Jones dropped his appeal for the chance to take part in the preseason.

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