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Game Thread #7 tOSU 18, Purdue 26 (Oct 17, Noon ET, BTN)

They are allowing us to overpursue. Its ok, at the end of the day we have more skill and better coaching defensively. I'd say we shut them down on this drive, then they dont sniff our side of the field the rest of the way.
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TheIronColonel;1568955; said:
On the TD drive, Adams (75) was the LT. Apparently Cordle is now in at LT? Why the hell would JT do that? I don't recall seeing Adams hobble off or anything like that.

Tressel said the idea was to get Cordle in there this week but not for many plays.
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Buckeye_Fan_BCS;1568970; said:
DESPERATELY searching for a working link to watch the game. I'm not home and there's no BTN over here... any help much appreciated, I need to get my Buckeye fix!



I couldn't find a stream of the game, but you can listen to it.... Scarlet and Gray Sports Radio
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