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Game Thread #7 tOSU 18, Purdue 26 (Oct 17, Noon ET, BTN)

MondayAMGenius;1568952; said:
The short passing game illustrates the missing piece for our offense. Kudos to 14 for getting the ball to a man under duress

Purdue shows the quarterback a man right in front of the direction he rolls. He has direct line of sight to the receiver and just has to wait for the pass rush to clear the receiver. Smart football.
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billmac91;1568954; said:
really like Purdue's gameplanning so far against our D....really not giving us a chance to make plays in the passing game.

Agreed. The quick throws really negate the pass rush. Got to do a better job tackling too. Falling forward for extra yards on almost every play.
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Bill Lucas;1568956; said:
Purdue shows the quarterback a man right in front of the direction he rolls. He has direct line of sight to the receiver and just has to wait for the pass rush to clear the receiver. Smart football.

They've run that with their tight ends seemingly forever. I think it was 2004 when they scored the winning TD late on a similar play.
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