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5 players suspended for 5 games in 2011 regular season (Appeal has been denied)

Jake;1840898; said:
I don't know why some are so eager to flush away the bowl game by suspending the players NOW. Winning that game would be an excellent statement and a strong finish to another fine season.

I'm not eager to flush away the bowl game. I'd love to see the guys play and I'll definitely be rooting for them when they're out there. I just don't agree with the way the punishment is being dished out. I'd obviously be saying the same thing if it were a different school. I'd be saying the same stuff if the same thing was happening with two other schools. The way it's going down as it is just doesn't feel right at all. The NCAA has put the school in a very unfortunate situation and OSU will end up looking bad if these five players are available for the bowl game. It's unfair, but that's how it goes.

Taosman;1840912; said:
Those calling for an immediate suspension should understand that there will be an appeals process and that will take time. Why make the players suffer more? Why force the issue?

They're going to miss games no matter the outcome of the appeals process.

As far as making the players suffer more, they won't be suffering more because I doubt the appeal will keep the same amount of games suspended. If anything, I think suspending the players for the bowl will result in fewer games overall because the school took initiative and handed out punishment of their own.

Also with the suffering... these guys made these decisions and they deserve the punishment. They're making their teams suffer as a result of their poor decisions. I'm really not too worried about how much suffering they have to endure (please don't take this out of context, you guys know what I mean).
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3074326;1840922; said:
I'm not eager to flush away the bowl game. I'd love to see the guys play and I'll definitely be rooting for them when they're out there. I just don't agree with the way the punishment is being dished out. I'd obviously be saying the same thing if it were a different school. I'd be saying the same stuff if the same thing was happening with two other schools. The way it's going down as it is just doesn't feel right at all. The NCAA has put the school in a very unfortunate situation and OSU will end up looking bad if these five players are available for the bowl game. It's unfair, but that's how it goes.

OSU is going to get ripped by the media all of 2011 over this whether the Buckeye 5 play in the Sugar Bowl, or not. They aren't going to give us credit for "doing the right thing" and not playing them in New Orleans, so we might as well play them and win the damn thing.

There's no right answer here. That's just how I feel about it.
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Jake;1840936; said:
There's no right answer here. That's just how I feel about it.

Yeah, definitely can't argue with that. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. This is all opinion and the debate is probably pretty pointless because it doesn't matter how we feel about it.

But it's still fun to bicker, right? :biggrin:
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Jake;1840936; said:
OSU is going to get ripped by the media all of 2011 over this whether the Buckeye 5 play in the Sugar Bowl, or not. They aren't going to give us credit for "doing the right thing" and not playing them in New Orleans, so we might as well play them and win the damn thing.

There's no right answer here. That's just how I feel about it.
I would much rather win and deal with the media bitching about the scandal than lose and hear 0-10 though.

Nice post #1337, by the way. :biggrin:
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LordJeffBuck;1840921; said:
The players who did nothing wrong have no PR issues to deal with.

I can't let that statement stand on its own.

Some players did nothing wrong and had their pictures and names on a website that was referenced by many other websites on the night before the suspensions were announced, and at least one of them had his name mentioned when the story was discussed during a bowl game broadcast.

So there was some negative PR for some players who have apparently done nothing wrong. :wink2:
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Jake;1840936; said:
OSU is going to get ripped by the media all of 2011 over this whether the Buckeye 5 play in the Sugar Bowl, or not. They aren't going to give us credit for "doing the right thing" and not playing them in New Orleans, so we might as well play them and win the damn thing.

There's no right answer here. That's just how I feel about it.

The answer is fuck 'em :biggrin:

They can all suck it!!!!!!
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Jake;1840936; said:
OSU is going to get ripped by the media all of 2011 over this whether the Buckeye 5 play in the Sugar Bowl, or not. They aren't going to give us credit for "doing the right thing" and not playing them in New Orleans, so we might as well play them and win the damn thing.

There's no right answer here. That's just how I feel about it.

I agree with this..... At first I felt this sense of embarasment that I dont even deserve to have...im simply alum and a fan. I wondered how they could do this and was bothered by the media to which I have no controll. Then I came down to Lexingtion Kentucky to spend the hollidays with my wifes family...some of which are luhville fans the others UK and have listened to comments from UK fans about 0 and 10 and how dumb our players were...(I destroyed all of them with UK facts by the way).... I have decided to circle the wagons as a fan and say fuck you to everyone outside of the Ohio State family and root for a curb stomping...Its the best case scenario and I dont care what anyone would have to say about it.
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BuckFan38;1839420; said:
I just cant believe our guys actually sold their rings and jerseys. They potientially just cost themselves millions of NFL dollars due to losing 5 games of exposure...all for a couple of thousand. That's IF they decide to come back and lose half of next season...

It wouldn't be half a season. They'd still have up to 9 games left(pending CCG and bowl) plus most of their marquee games. That should be enough time to up their stock.
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LightningRod;1841004; said:
It's time to get ready for Arkansas.

Oh, that's who we're playing?

I had forgotten at this point. Doesn't matter though, that SWC is down this year.

Joe Germaine goes off for 549yds and Archie and Cassady score 8 TDs (in the first quarter).

Put it on the board. :osu:

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