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5 players suspended for 5 games in 2011 regular season (Appeal has been denied)

My mom a 1950 alum from Ohio State bought my son the 1942 throw-back jersey...my mom was intears when he opened his gift, luckily he was as thrilled as he could be with Pryor's jersey in spite of everything. TP thanx for stressing my 83 year old mother during the holidays. When you do things out of greed or whatever it reaches far beyond YOU! If you 5 admit you were wrong you should sit yourselves down for the bowl game
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Because either the NCAA "partners" (ESPiN, the Sugar Bowl board, etc.) are pulling strings, or the NCAA knows there will be some kind of negative fallout from their "partners" if they don't get OSU to let the players play.

Again, I want OSU to put the ball firmly back in the NCAA's court by announcing soon that the 5 will sit, because I am pretty confident the NCAA told OSU they could play because of $$$ related reasons, not because they care about giving the players the "unique opportunity."
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craigblitz;1840327; said:
Seems like a good poll question... Do you want Coach to play the suspended players or not. I personally do not but stow mad an excellent point I didn't consider, they are already suspended for 5 games and saying I am suspending you more seems unfair... What a terrible position these kids put the program in! What if Boom, TP, Adams, and Posey all said they are going and really need this as an audition.....Yikes

All the players involved have a shot at being drafted. Having to sit out about half of their senior year is a HUGE penalty that could cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars per year for a "victimless crime". The punishment is more than enough, no need to pile on, especially just to look good.

At the same time, to the average garden variety idiot, we look like a rouge, win at all cost program. Again I say, make part of the appeal, the suspensions start with the bowl game. Suspend the players, and let's fn have at it! Our defense has won games for us before, one mo time.

EDIT: If Braxton is enrolled, suite that mother up.
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$$$ related reasons, not because they care about giving the players the "unique opportunity."

I side with this opinion at the moment. The NCAA has a lot of secondary income reasons to have a good bowls.. The arkansas fan showed they only make 12k from the game maybe from a direct source but it is vital for their system to have good bowl games.
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Let's see...AJ Green gets a four game suspension for selling a jersey and didn't own up to it until questioned. Marcel Darius gets a two game suspension for $2000 of agent/booster money and he didn't own up to it until caught. These five get five games because the SEC boys had set the precedent? So because they were caught first their punishment is less. Sure that makes sense.

Four games is a bit harsh for a non-criminal violation. 1 or 2 games would be more appropriate for all parties. However the NCAA has never used logic and reasoning when handing down sanctions. Sit the 5 for the bowl and at most 2 games next year...about the same punishment Troy Smith 04-05 received.

Seriously, it doesn't seem like the crime fits the punishment and the NCAA is using the large number of games (nearly half the regular season) to make up for the "unique opportunity" BS for the Sugar Bowl. Let's all get a grip. Nobody was hurt (raped, assaulted, threatened, harrassed or hazed) so a little perspective please.

Besides this isn't a life or death thing. Punish them justly and don't force them to make a decision (leave too early for the NFL) that could potentially cause these student-athletes to make bigger mistakes in the future because of it.

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TS10HTW;1840348; said:
Let's see...AJ Green gets a four game suspension for selling a jersey and didn't own up to it until questioned. Marcel Darius gets a two game suspension for $2000 of agent/booster money and he didn't own up to it until caught. These five get five games because the SEC boys had set the precedent? So because they were caught first their punishment is less. Sure that makes sense.

Four games is a bit harsh for a non-criminal violation. 1 or 2 games would be more appropriate for all parties. However the NCAA has never used logic and reasoning when handing down sanctions. Sit the 5 for the bowl and at most 2 games next year...about the same punishment Troy Smith 04-05 received.

Seriously, it doesn't seem like the crime fits the punishment and the NCAA is using the large number of games (nearly half the regular season) to make up for the "unique opportunity" BS for the Sugar Bowl. Let's all get a grip. Nobody was hurt (raped, assaulted, threatened, harrassed or hazed) so a little perspective please.

Besides this isn't a life or death thing. Punish them justly and don't force them to make a decision (leave too early for the NFL) that could potentially cause these student-athletes to make bigger mistakes in the future because of it.


This post is spot on. I am in favor of suspending them immediately. Miller can fill in at LT and we have plenty of running backs. Team will play inspired and make a game of it. We cant really win if we win the game with those 5 guys playing. Go Bucks
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It would seem to be fair.. if they are going to impose the penalty next season ..that they should be declared NFL ineligible for the drafted next season, if they are still under the suspension.
So give them a choice, No bowl game and lift the suspension and a chance at the draft, or No possibilty at the draft or as a walk on in the NFL and they must sit out the 1st 5 games next season..

This seems like a fair compromise ..
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Good point! But like I said in a previous post, the NCAA rarely uses logic and reasoning when handing down sanctions. I understand they're just supposed to enforce the rules but, c'mon man! Use your brains and come up with a punishment that fits the crime and doesn't leave any loopholes open for the student-athletes to make further mistakes...

Great first post! Welcome to BP and Merry Christmas!!!
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HawgFan;1840358; said:
It would seem to be fair.. if they are going to impose the penalty next season ..that they should be declared NFL ineligible for the drafted next season, if they are still under the suspension.
So give them a choice, No bowl game and lift the suspension and a chance at the draft, or No possibilty at the draft or as a walk on in the NFL and they must sit out the 1st 5 games next season..

This seems like a fair compromise ..
Well, D33RHUNT3R, you seemed to have calmed down a bit....

The NFL is solely responsible for determining who is eligible for the NFL draft, and the NCAA has no say in it whatsoever. According to Article XVI, Section 2(b) of the current NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement:

NFL CBA said:
No player shall be permitted to apply for special eligibility for selection in the Draft, or otherwise be eligible for the Draft, until three NFL regular seasons have begun and ended following either his graduation from high school or graduation of the class with which he entered high school, whichever is earlier. For example, if a player graduated from high school in December 2006, he would not be permitted to apply for special eligibility, and would not otherwise be eligible for selection, until the 2010 Draft.

As you can see from the CBA, draft eligibility is determined by the player's high school class - the player doesn't have to attend college at all to be eligible (that is, he doesn't ever have to come under the control of the NCAA). The only requirement is that he be three years removed from high school.

Simply put, there is no way that the NCAA could make a player ineligible for the NFL draft.
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LordJeffBuck;1840361; said:
Well, D33RHUNT3R, you seemed to have calmed down a bit....

The NFL is solely responsible for determining who is eligible for the NFL draft, and the NCAA has no say in it whatsoever. According to Article XVI, Section 2(b) of the current NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement:

As you can see from the CBA, draft eligibility is determined by the player's high school class - the player doesn't have to attend college at all to be eligible (that is, he doesn't ever have to come under the control of the NCAA). The only requirement is that he be three years removed from high school.

Simply put, there is no way that the NCAA could make a player ineligible for the NFL draft.
The NFL should make it the Rule.. IMO..:wink2: If your under suspension from any school at the time of the Draft, The NFL should consider that person ineligable till the suspension has been served...if its not a rule it should be ..Otherwise suspension penalties made for the next season on JRs or SR's are just plain propaganda that even the least knowlegable football fan can see is all about money and little about the actual student under the helment ..Is this what college football is really coming to? is this really what we want our young adults to learn ? is this how college football programs should operate ? If this had been Ryan Mallet I would be screaming for him and the others to be bench so as not to taint our program and teach all of the students the rules are for everyone..

Not to mention if they has no more respect for the school than this.., then I wouldn't want them representing me..
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HawgFan;1840367; said:
The NFL should make it the Rule.. IMO..:wink2: If you under suspension from any school at the time of the Draft, The NFL should consider that person ineligable till the suspension has been served...if its not a rule it should be ..Otherwise suspension penalties made for the next season on JRs or SR's are just plain propaganda that even the least knowlegable football fan can see is all about money and little about the actual student under the helment ..Is this what college football is really coming to? is this really what we want our young adults to learn ? is this how college football programs should operate ? If this had been Ryan Mallet I would be screaming for him and the others to be bench so as not to taint our program and teach all of the students the rules are for everyone..
Players don't even need to be in school, much less in good standing with the NCAA, in order to be eligible for the draft. The NFL is never going to make draft eligibility contingent on the dictates of the NCAA.
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HawgFan;1840367; said:
The NFL should make it the Rule.. IMO..:wink2: If you under suspension from any school at the time of the Draft, The NFL should consider that person ineligable till the suspension has been served...if its not a rule it should be ..Otherwise suspension penalties made for the next season on JRs or SR's are just plain propaganda that even the least knowlegable football fan can see is all about money and little about the actual student under the helment ..Is this what college football is really coming to? is this really what we want our young adults to learn ? is this how college football programs should operate ? If this had been Ryan Mallet I would be screaming for him and the others to be bench so as not to taint our program and teach all of the students the rules are for everyone..

The NFL should hand down significant power to decentralized entities, or an entity many are claiming broken, which will limit the quality of product it can provide? I think they'll pass.

Spare us the "if this had been ryan mallet" bit, a not so well vailed effort to say if tOSU plays these five the program is tainted. You can go suck on your moral superiority. If this had been ryan mallet we'd never hear about it because I doubt rkansas self reports too often being a vaunted SEC program. Moreover, the tOSU and most fans are already requesting that, it's the NCAA that is protecting the cash cow.
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