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#5 Ohio State (24-8) vs #12 South Dakota State (28-6) - Thursday, March 15 @ 4:00 ET (TNT)

I'm actually encouraged. We know the 3 game is not our game but we've been able to not only match them, but should have the lead at half playing it.

I agree, Kaleb needs some time to get inside and see if we can wear them down. The only thing is on the defensive end, Kaleb would need to stay inside and not chase Daum to the perimeter.

Side note, Candace Parker is HAF!
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I expect to see much better defense in the 2d half. That's not a complaint, but just an honest expectation. All in all, they took tougher shots than we did. We took way too many threes, but most were WIDE open. Their were at least somewhat contested for the most part notwithstanding their ridiculous percentage.
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It's old school, but this type of team is what a box and one is designed for. Keep substituting thecguy guarding Daum and use the box zone to get closer to tge others on the perimeter.
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