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#5 Ohio State (24-8) vs #12 South Dakota State (28-6) - Thursday, March 15 @ 4:00 ET (TNT)

Holtmann's wrong. Kaleb can own these guys inside.

Yeah, his interview wasn't what I wanted to hear unless the Bucks are going to hit 45% from three this tournament after going 35% during the season.

Regression to the mean is a thing for a reason.
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though tied at the half, sdsu won the first 20 minutes. they've dictated the style and the pace. really questioning the staff's plan here. how are you not stressing to your players that they never, ever leave their guy setting up behind the arc? it doesn't matter if a guy is driving... YOU DO NOT LEAVE YOUR GUY!

Simple Basketball knowledge 101. They are driving to kick it right back out on screens. They ain’t driving to score. Guard the 3
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I think we could wear these guys out in the paint, but if I'm SDSU I collapse and dare the Buckeyes to win it from three. Not only do we seem to be taking the bait, from what Coach said it's our plan.

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live look of Jake after rolling an ankle


(had to get your C's in there)

For clarity, I think that is after the eyerectomy op. As you were...
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