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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

Wow, what a game against USC. Fell behind 24-7 late in the 2nd qtr.

Trailed by 10 in the 4th, cut it to 3, missed the onside kick, got the ball back after a USC FG with 13 sec left and 0 timeouts trailing by 6.

Chiles raced for a 77 yd option run to seal the win.
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Texas rumbles down to the goalline but gets stuffed at the 1 on 4th.

UF puts four plays later.

Texas ball at their 30, a swing pass to the tailback flips the field, getting to the UF 35 on the first play.

UF catches their breath, stands tall and forces a 3rd and ling, but impact wr Malcolm Williams goes up for the jump ball in single coverage, tip toeing the sideline and scoring.

14-7 Texas.

Brantley makes a bad decision, throwing over the middle for another pick six.

21-7 Texas, early 2nd.

Texas dials up more blitzes, leading to a sack and later a user pick on third down.
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Texas sets up for the kill shot, getting to the UF 10, but a great backside blitz and hit strips the ball from QB Wood away as he scrambled for the endzone. The hitter recovered his fumble on the UF 8.

Brantley hits a few underneath passes but challenges impact lb acho and gets picked off again.

UF sets up another third and long but wood sneaks out for a first down.

Wood finds the endzone a half dozen plays later on a playaction fake to WR mike Davis.


UF gets their passing game in gear, no huddling to midfield, then going deep on the fly route, coming down with a seemingly simultaneous catch.

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Texas QB Connor wood overthrows a wide open slant route by five yds, picked off by ahmad black

UF scores a few plays later.


Texas ball with 45 sec left, a pass over the middle to the fb got them to the 35, followed by a 40 yd bomb to the twenty, the timeout called with :01 left. FG good.


UF gets multiple big losses on first downs, but give up third and very long twice, once on a broken play go route for 30+.

Whittaker waltzes in for six.38-28
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Texas churns it out on the ground, eventually reaching the endzone with whittaker.

45-28 mid 4th.

UF goes 4 and out at their own 12.

Whittaker punches it in with a few min left, running his total to 133 yds and 3 scores. 52-28

UF goes 4 and out again.

Texas runs out the clock.
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