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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

Is there a chance of me taking PSU rather than Wisky? They are in the correct conference already and I am having serious second thoughts about them... If not I will suck it up, but wow.... Maryland would have been a better choice lol
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I do play Houston.. Last game of the season.....

Oh, and NMU... Yeah, it looked like the Akron OSU game a few years ago... 2-0 lead with very little to go in the first half... It is taking me a bit to get used to my new roster.. My Frosh QB is a stud though.
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GomerBucks;1920578; said:
I do play Houston.. Last game of the season.....

Oh, and NMU... Yeah, it looked like the Akron OSU game a few years ago... 2-0 lead with very little to go in the first half... It is taking me a bit to get used to my new roster.. My Frosh QB is a stud though.

poor lobos

Mr. Moxie?
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