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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

Are we on the same settings? I was getting my ASS HANDED TO ME when my stuff froze up. I mean, it wasn't just a little bad. I was going to lose by 50... It was comical. I would have taken the loss if not for the freeze just to show you how insane it was. I will come back and play it another day.... If you want I can lose on purpose... I was getting smashed.
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it did seem different, I mean my DB's were just playing quite stupid, and even as OSU I had more missed tackles then I seem to have when I was Vandy....something just seemed weird, especially using a power team...I could not play man at all because my DB's (outside of chekwa) would just run away from the WR (the WR would turn directions but the DB covering would just stay in the running straight motion)
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eobuck;1919052; said:
5-star (#1) DE along with 2 4* strong safeties right off the bat.

More like it after going through weeks and weeks before a 1st commit with USM.
OSU had a nice start as well.

Texas landed a top-rated TE with so-so ratings and nothing else.

It sure is painful to switch from my loaded Texas team in the other dynasty to this slow set of safeties.
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