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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

I will advance to CCG week after the super bowl.

Bowl projections

CarCare - #24 MIA vs Buffalo ... ACC #5 vs MAC #7
Liberty - So Miss vs #21 ISU ..... B12 #9 vs CUSA #1
Insight - #25 SMU vs NW .......... B12 #5 vs B1G #5
Fiesta - #5 CMU vs #8 Vandy .... At Large vs At Large
Orange - #7 MD vs #9 Baylor ... ACC leader vs At Large
Sugar - #16 Purd vs #6 WVU ..... SEC vs BEast leader
BCS - #2 UK vs #1 Hou .............. SEC bridesmaid vs B12 Dynasty
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CCG week. WIll advance to bowls tomorrow night.

Can you guys do the offseason wed night at 8:30 pm?

OU was in super-hero mode, exploding through my DL on 3 forced fumbles, one warping around a DL, chasing down the QB, who went from sprinting for the goalline to standing still for a big hit (thanks EA animations!).

Ricky Parham came up huge. After a 3rd turnover from their superhuman DL on 4th & short, OU was at midfield down 7 (with 7 tds under their belt already). They completed a long strike to my 40, but Parham flew over and smacked the ball out of the WRs hands for a fumble recovery.
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