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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

Well, it's officially Miami week, we have a tough battle tomorrow, so we are asking the Vandy fans to be as loud as they can be. Miami is a great team, and Coach Mac is a great coach, this will be our toughest game of the season to date. We know if we can win out we have a great chance at making the BCS National title game. We are very excited to have our RB Zac Stacy at full health and he is looking forward to getting back to what he was doing before the injury.

Our defense is going to have to step it up if we want to win this game, we had a tough time with FSU last week wrapping up their running back and letting their QB throw some easy balls, we know we cannot allow this to happen against Miami or we will be playing from behind the entire game. Practice has gone great this week so we fully expect to be able to tackle and hold their offense to our standards. We realize Coach Mac has yet to beat a real team since his tenure, and we know all streaks must come to an end, but sorry Mac, but you will have to wait a few more weeks....Have a great day!

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after Vandy wins...

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Thishh ishh what I'd shhay to the Redhawkshh jushht before kickoff. Thishh ishh it men. Thishh type of game ishh why you compete. There'shh been a lot of trash talk from Mr. Franklin, and we have that ashh motivation. He'shh tried to beat ushh down and get inshhide out headshh. But that ishhn't gonna work. It'shh time to shhow how mishhtaken he ishh about the Redhawkshh. Shhure they have beaten ushh the pashht two yearshh. The firshht year we were taken to the woodshhed. Lashht year it washh a closhhe game. Thishh ishh the year we put it all together. Shho what we haven't beaten a ushher team yet. But that'shh the pashht. Time to live in the moment and make thishh team a legachhy here at Miami. They're not shhtronger, they're not fashhter, and they definitely don't have hotter chickshh. You shhould shhee thishh dime piechhe I jushht shhaw in Oxford. Wow. But that'shh neither here nor there, let'shh crack shhome headshh and go dominate thishh game. It'shh time to show the country who'shh the beshht team in the ACC, the Miami University Redhawkshh. Let'shh go.
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I shhat (:lol:) down with Coach Mac thishh afternoon. Thishh ishh the jishht of our interview

Dr. Lou - What'shh the game plan going into thishh game againshht Vanderbilt?
Coach Mac -
The game plan is the same as it's been all year...score more points than the other team. And if need be I can win by only kicking Field Goals while they score Touchdowns.

Dr. Lou -
What'shh thishh game mean to you and your paylershh?
Coach Mac - This game is our season. We lose this and we're out of the ACC race. We've been looking forward to this game the past few eeks, and now that it's here, our kids are ready to play.

Dr. Lou - Coach what do you think about the rumorshh you could be let go at the shheashhons end? How will it affect the playershh in this game?
Coach Mac - You know, we can't be worried about that. We're focused on the game ahead, and the rest will take care of itself. What I can tell you is that it will not affect our players and how they play. They have looked forward to this game and would like get a big W tomorrow.

Dr. Lou - What are the keyshh to Miami winning thishh game?
Coach Mac - I think the keys for us to win this game is we have to move the ball on offense, both on the ground and in the air. As long as we give Robert time to throw, we should be alright. We can't settle for 3 in the redzone, we need to punch it in for six. On defense we need to be able to get a few stops. If we can force some punts and get some scores we'll be in great shape, but that's not going to be an easy task. I think if we can hold onto the ball and be +1 or +2 in the turnover margin, we have have a great chance on winning this game.

Dr. Lou - Coach, what ishh the shhpread of the game?
Coach Mac - From what I've heard Vandy is favored by 8.

Dr. Lou - What'shh it like not beating a ushher team yet?
Coach Mac - You know it really sucks. We've been close multiple times. The turnovers killed us in the past, but we've become more polished/relaxed, and WE WILL get our fist W against Vandy.

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Lou Holtz;1865104; said:
Dr. Lou - What'shh the game plan going into thishh game againshht Vanderbilt?
Coach Mac -
The game plan is the same as it's been all year...score more points than the other team. And if need be I can win by only kicking Field Goals while they score Touchdowns.


Has a team ever won by kicking FG's when the other team scored TD's?
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