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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

wow, Miami reads the out route well, and almost has a pick 6, Vandy settles for a FG, 31-28 Vandy :59 left in the 3rd

Vandys defender's seem to have stickem on them as they cannot not jump for balls, and Miami has been exploiting that all game

Vandy has to waste a timeout as they did like the defensive steup...it proves to work has Miami throws a wild pass and Vandy gets an INT, we go to the 4th qtr with Vandy up by 3, don't turn that channel folks!

We have some news, apparently Vandy's main RB Stacy has broken his 2nd broken rib and will be out for 1 week, this is a blow to the team
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i am so f'n pissed right now, i was 1:13 away from winning this game, and the connection apparently pooed out, says mac dropped on mine and i guess it says i dropped on mac

I have the option to play the CPU but haven't clicked on anything
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Bucknut24;1865335; said:
i am so f'n pissed right now, i was 1:13 away from winning this game, and the connection apparently pooed out, says mac dropped on mine and i guess it says i dropped on mac

I have the option to play the CPU but haven't clicked on anything

Yeah this sucks, because well the rest of the game is a bunch of "what if's". Stupid EA.
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