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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

From the many times that this has happened...we would try and recreate the scenario. So since you guys still have access to the game, find out how many timeouts are left each and all that. Just have 24 kick a fieldgoal and then run the clock out until the 4th. Have 24 get the the 20 with 2 minutes left and same # of timeouts each and play it out.

That's the "fairest" thing to do. Otherwise you guys could start a new game and mac just let 24 go up 3-0 to start with. That's the simplest solution.
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The other thing you could do is start the game, give the ball to 24, let him return it to the 20 or wherever it was.

Then see if you can stop him from picking up those 4-5 yds on the first two plays. If you can't, then he just finishes out the game against the CPU and keeps it to a close outcome.

That's not a great solution, but it would be easier than recreating that 4th qtr 3 pt lead situation.

Basically it would be less ideal but much less time consuming.

My buddy from the other online dynasty leans towards restarting and either recreating or just starting over.
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Merih;1865370; said:
From the many times that this has happened...we would try and recreate the scenario. So since you guys still have access to the game, find out how many timeouts are left each and all that. Just have 24 kick a fieldgoal and then run the clock out until the 4th. Have 24 get the the 20 with 2 minutes left and same # of timeouts each and play it out.
Right, you guys can turn on chew clock and basically just keep trading punts after running out the clock. Make sure you get a FG in there for 24 (let him get into position), so the score is 3-0.

It takes about 15-20 min to recreate that.

It isn't crucial to get the time exactly right, because chances are 24 is going to get the first down, and then he can just take a knee and win anyway.
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Let mac get a FG on the opening possession (run your guys out of position on the kickoff and then keep calling prevent D to let him run it into position), then both turn on chew clock and run & punt the clock down to that point.

Then get 24 back into position with under 2 min left, and see if you can stop him from picking up 5 yds.
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We can set it up in the 1st quarter...I can let you run it down to the 18 yrd line (which is where you are). I can call TO with however much time is left (1:something) and then we play it from there. If you pick it up, you finish against CPU. If i stop you, I have however much time is left in the 1st. However, OB rules doesn't stop clock though in 1st right?
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BuckeyeMac;1865381; said:
We can set it up in the 1st quarter...I can let you run it down to the 18 yrd line (which is where you are). I can call TO with however much time is left (1:something) and then we play it from there.
That works too and is a lot faster.

Then if you don't stop him, he just finishes the game against the CPU and might need to give up a few plays intentionally on D to keep it close in the end.

If you do stop him and come back to take the lead, then you do the same against the CPU.

Either way, the loser of that drive quits the game, and the winner finishes vs the CPU.
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