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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

Bucknut24;1865351; said:
I havent clicked on anything yet, im still at the screen where it says I can play cpu or quit

Finish against CPU, let me know when you're done. Your result will post, then I'll finish mine. I don't want to quit. Just let me know when you are done.
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BuckeyeMac;1865352; said:
Finish against CPU, let me know when you're done. Your result will post, then I'll finish mine. I don't want to quit. Just let me know when you are done.
do not do that unless you have decided to let him have the win.

Throwing out results has not worked properly for months.
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BuckeyeMac;1865355; said:
I mean just finish it, and we can go from there. IMO that's the only fair thing to do, is for you to play it. Then perhaps take a league vote to replay it or not? idk.
for the past few months, both of my online dynasties have been unable to throw out results. One time last week it worked, but the dozen other tries were all unsuccessful.

Decide now whether to let him have the win or start over. i am getting merih to chime in
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