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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

Well I just played my game against Georgia, saw that someone else on here kept track of broken tackles (cause EA doesn't do it right) so I decided to do the same. Georgia has a stud RB, Washuan Ealey... He's a 97 overall with a 97 speed.

He ended up breaking 26 tackles throughout the course of the game. Luckily I was able to win big though 49-28. I can't stand playing the computer when they use Georgia, Florida, Bama, and LSU in this OD, it's ridiculous. Their teams break a tackle almost every play. Ealey broke 3 tackles on a kick return. The odd thing is it could have been way more than 26 but Georgia was behind in the end of the 3rd and 4th quarter so they had to pass most of the time. (And I wasn't trying to strip the ball every tackle either, in fact I didn't use strip at all)

Another thing I've noticed is that it seems to rain in like 75% of OD games. This is like the 5th game in a row I've played in the rain.
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BuckeyeMac;1864000; said:
That wasn't directed towards you at all Gomer, just poking fun at Vandy. He's gotta lose sometime, whether it's to you or me. It's gonna happen. I hope I didn't offend you or if you took that as a swing at you I apologize because that wasn't said towards you. I hope you would know from talking while you kick my ass the past 2 years.

We are all good. I never took anything sideways at all. I know it's all in good fun.. Speaking of fun... I can't wait to win the ACC this year. Book it.
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Is there some reason I can't add more than 30 to the recruiting board?
Do you have 5 verbals in addition to those 30? No idea otherwise, though in general it's better to shoot for slightly smaller totals (20-25) on your recruiting board, and really focus on the top 10-15. This year it is much more difficult to maintain your entire recruiting board.
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jwinslow;1864165; said:
Do you have 5 verbals in addition to those 30? No idea otherwise, though in general it's better to shoot for slightly smaller totals (20-25) on your recruiting board, and really focus on the top 10-15. This year it is much more difficult to maintain your entire recruiting board.

The 0-8 isn't helping me :sad:, we'll turn it around next year.
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Very nice, corners with great hips can be tough to find sometimes. In my other OD I have ten 95+ speed DBs but have gone 2-3 years without landing a single true corner with agility above 80.

Tom Luginbill will stop by sometime soon with a recruiting overview after he gets some work and household stuff done.
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