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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

BuckeyeMac;1863915; said:
I can't speak for Gomer but you're losing to me for sure. Sucka!! (wow could have been bad. iPhone tried to correct sucka to dickwad. I would have felt bad. :lol:)

I am a former Marine.... My fragile mind would not have been able to handle being called a name... Focus on Vandy.... Pay no attention that Turtle in the corner...
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GomerBucks;1863962; said:
Oh.. I found out today that I will be going out of town on business from Monday to Thursday next week.... I hope y'all can wait on me during that time. I will get everything in as fast as I can.
I am hoping to advance friday and sunday, hopefully you can play the next week on sun night, and we would only need to advance once while you're gone.

Otherwise, we can wait.
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GomerBucks;1863962; said:
Oh.. I found out today that I will be going out of town on business from Monday to Thursday next week.... I hope y'all can wait on me during that time. I will get everything in as fast as I can.

convenient that if we advance twice by sunday we are scheduled to play the days you are out of town...you scared brah?
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jwinslow;1863975; said:
Turtles aren't known for their bravery.


turtle turtle turtle
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GomerBucks;1863960; said:
I am a former Marine.... My fragile mind would not have been able to handle being called a name... Focus on Vandy.... Pay no attention that Turtle in the corner...

That wasn't directed towards you at all Gomer, just poking fun at Vandy. He's gotta lose sometime, whether it's to you or me. It's gonna happen. I hope I didn't offend you or if you took that as a swing at you I apologize because that wasn't said towards you. I hope you would know from talking while you kick my ass the past 2 years.
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Bucknut24;1864052; said:
depends when we advance, i should be available almost all day friday and saturday

pretty sure this is the first season there has been some nice heated trash talk going on (outside of a little bit between jwins and merih)

Saturday would be best for me. Date night with the wifey Friday (and so it begins :lol:)
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