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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

Bucknut24;1863509; said:
can't i just get a little sympathy?


You bite your tongue. You're ranked #3 right now, but we both know it's not going to last :)

I just locked in another 4* CB (which is REALLY needed per stats from my defense :lol:), and I've got probably 3 or 4 more close to committing. I need to start working on the 3*s now.
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BuckeyeMac;1863592; said:
You bite your tongue. You're ranked #3 right now, but we both know it's not going to last :)

I just locked in another 4* CB (which is REALLY needed per stats from my defense :lol:), and I've got probably 3 or 4 more close to committing. I need to start working on the 3*s now.

I am only getting ATH, RBs, and QBs interested. I think I have 4 frosh QBs already on the roster, not including the 5* I picked up this year. Close on a couple safeties, but need to add some depth in other positions.

Hopefully Oklahoma doesn't steal my soft commit 5* RB this week.
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god do I hate playing FSU, squeaked out a 27-24 Win, went down 10-0 quick after their RB ran all over me, than I fumbled the kickoff return...was able to get it 17-17 at halftime, defense started to play a bit better, and went up 27-17, went for it on 4th down from the 10 yd line on 4th and 1 instead of kicking a FG, didn't get it, FSU then converted 2 4th downs (4th and 3 from the 5 where they scored a TD) to bring it within 3. I got a couple of 1st down, but couldn't bleed the clock, had to punt it away with :15 left. For some reason my guys don't understand cover 4 and left a WR wide open for a 50 yd gain with :05 left to get it to the 50....luckily the hail marry was no good.

I counted how many times their RB broke a tackle....11, 11 f*ckin broken tackles.....that doesn't even include the a couple of WR that broke tackles as well
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Bucknut24;1863668; said:
I counted how many times their RB broke a tackle....11, 11 f*ckin broken tackles.....that doesn't even include the a couple of WR that broke tackles as well

sounded like my game vs. UT. No tackling, their RB broke 5 tackles on 1 play to turn a -2 yd run, to a 4yd run, to a 40yd td.
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Finally updated the first page after all of the changes.

Note for the newcomers: Southern Miss and Wake Forest are on autopilot due to technical difficulties unless otherwise stated, so you can play the CPU.

Big Twelve Conference

  1. Merih ................. Ambasa10 .............. Baylor
  2. eobuck .............. TheStatician........ .Southern Miss
  3. jwinslow ............ ups7 ....................... Houston
  4. Esoteria ........ Lloydsev ....... SMU
Atlantic Coast Conference

  1. GomerBucks ...... USMCG Gomer..........Maryland
    Magua............ Helios Magua ......... Wake Forest
  2. Bucknut24 ......... Docjigowatt121 ...... Vanderbilt
  3. BuckeyeMac ....... MacCLovin ............. Miami(OH)
South Eastern Conference

  1. jthorp24 ..... Justin Thorp ....... Kentucky
  2. jacobbama .. ImortalKnife ............. UCF
  3. RedBenn ...... RedBenn25............... Purdue
  4. kn1f3party ... KnucklesMahoney.......... Indiana

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kn1f3party;1863828; said:

At work at the moment. I'd try to join from the EA site but don't know the name or anything. Can I do that? Never tried.
nope, you have to do it on the console. Go to online dynasty, and then it is the third square on the right I believe to accept invitations.
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