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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

Honestly, anything is an upgrade from what I've got now. My guys run away from the ball :lol:. It's funny they'll cover a guy, but when the ball is thrown they will either stop, or run the complete opposite way the WR is. There's a good chance I will not meet any of my coaches goals that it gave me. Hope I don't get fired.
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If your game results are uploaded (or have a bye), and have used all of your recruiting time, it automatically sets you 'ready to advance'.

If you do not use up all of your allotted time (common as your recruits commit elsewhere and your list shrinks), you have to manually set yourself 'ready to advance' so the commissioner knows.

Also, the commissioner cannot set himself ready to advance, so if you ever see that I've played my game, it means I'm likely ready also.
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That game with Florida really sucked. Came all the way back with 40 seconds left and converted the two point conversion to tie it up at 34. Then they score two plays later on like a 70 yard pass. I'd say all but one of their touchdowns came on plays that weren't 50 or 60 plus yards. Every time I'd score they'd bust off a 70 yard run that broke 32 tackles in the process. Ridiculous.

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jacobbama;1864939; said:
That game with Florida really sucked. Came all the way back with 40 seconds left and converted the two point conversion to tie it up at 34. Then they score two plays later on like a 70 yard pass. I'd say all but one of their touchdowns came on plays that weren't 50 or 60 plus yards. Every time I'd score they'd bust off a 70 yard run that broke 32 tackles in the process. Ridiculous.


i know how you feel, its pretty frustrating at times, seems like you can do no right, never understood how people in the league have won like 90-20
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