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360 NCAA11 Online Dynasty ///

Week 10.

Purdue has three five star recruits, including the number one overall prospect, a filthy speed wr.

Southern Miss beat Texas 41-31, holding them to a fg in every quarter. It was 41-9 heading into the 4th.
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Figure I should take my lumps for that rather uninspired performance...basically I got ran off the field.

It wasn't my usually bad showing either...I didn't turn the ball over at all really. But, I knew I didn't have the energy or creativity to find my way out of yet ANOTHER hole. Houston had it wrapped up in the second quarter and didn't know it.

Need to shift my focus recruiting to the defensive side of the ball. I will forever be a 1-2 loss team (not bad, but still) without some more playmakers along the defensive front and in the secondary.

I also might FINALLY put the 4-3 defense to bed. I think users in this league have seen it too often, and know what to run against it. And, without playing those exotic looks for myself, I won't know how to attack them when I run up against the Jwins and JThorps of the league. Congrats again Josh, you cheeky bastard.
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Congrats to wake, miami, ucf, kentucky and indiana as the worst 5 units in total defense :lol: smu checks in at third worst in scoring d.

Baylor is the 2nd worst in sacks forced with 8, 1 ahead of the domers.

Uk obviously had the edge in most offensive categories.

Baylor qb florence is the best rated passer.
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redbenn;1862402; said:
internet cut out in the middle of my game, won like 49-21, replaying

jwinslow;1863525; said:
Congrats to wake, miami, ucf, kentucky and indiana as the worst 5 units in total defense :lol: smu checks in at third worst in scoring d.

Baylor is the 2nd worst in sacks forced with 8, 1 ahead of the domers.

Uk obviously had the edge in most offensive categories.

Baylor qb florence is the best rated passer.

Decided to try a new offense for this season since I no longer have a dual threat QB. Man do I miss Morgan Newton.

As for the defense, I have been simming it in most situations.
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Merih;1863495; said:
Figure I should take my lumps for that rather uninspired performance...basically I got ran off the field.

It wasn't my usually bad showing either...I didn't turn the ball over at all really. But, I knew I didn't have the energy or creativity to find my way out of yet ANOTHER hole. Houston had it wrapped up in the second quarter and didn't know it.

Need to shift my focus recruiting to the defensive side of the ball. I will forever be a 1-2 loss team (not bad, but still) without some more playmakers along the defensive front and in the secondary.

I also might FINALLY put the 4-3 defense to bed. I think users in this league have seen it too often, and know what to run against it. And, without playing those exotic looks for myself, I won't know how to attack them when I run up against the Jwins and JThorps of the league. Congrats again Josh, you cheeky bastard.

What defense are you going to switch to? My talent on defense right now is absolutely pathetic. Luckily I have a good recruiting class coming in this year, but that won't help for a couple more years. I will basically have to score on every possession over the next 2 years.

I really wish EA could make it so you could continue OD's with the new game so when NCAA 12 comes out we could continue building our schools into powerhouses rather than starting from scratch again.
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