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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)


Staff member
Tourney Pick'em Champ
Here's where we currently stand
Team - Team being replaced ............ BP username | XBL gamertag

Bayside - Stanford ........................ osustamm | osustamm
Mustangs - WSU ........................... cassidy28 | ZI PRIMETIME IZ
Zissou - OrSU? ......................... redbenn | redbenn25

Big 12 - North
Permian - Kansas .......................... CentralMoBuck | wakeboarderDave
Mean Machine - Iowa St ................ eobuck | TheStatician
West Canaan - Colorado .............. TJnTN | TJnTN

SEC - West
Hoover - Miss .............................. Merih | Ambasa10
Sharks - Miss St ........................... jwinslow | ups7
Muddogs - Arkansas ...................... jthorp24 | Justin Thorp

ACC - Atlantic
TC Titans - NC State ../.................. GomerBucks | GomerBucks
The Program - Boston College......... BuckNutJoeHall | BuckNutJoeHall
Springfield - Maryland ..................... BrutuStrength | Millikin
Allenville .......... SMU ............ Allenville TX ..... Good, basic small stadium
Bayside ........... Hawaii ......... Palisade, CA ..... Saved by the Bell: Hawaiian Style
Eastern State ... SCarolina ..... Philadelphia ...... SCar text visible, but this is where the movie was shot.
Hoover ............ Troy ........... Birmingham ....... Hoover is 14 mi from Birmingham.
Kilpatrick ......... Chargers ...... Los Angeles ...... They'd have to rent out a place in real life.
Miami .............. Dolphins ....... Miami, FL ......... Movie played in Orange Bowl, DA U logos/jerseys visible in certain poorly cut scenes.
Permian ........... E Mich ......... Odessa, TX ...... Closest replica, lights were the kicker. Very minimal branding.
Springfield ....... Miami OH ...... Springfield, ???... still in progress
SCLSU ............ LaTech ........ Nawlins ............ Virtually identical to movie stadium (& hill). Plus they're dirt poor.
TC Williams ...... FIU ............. Alexandria, VA ... New TC stadium is regular HS, gave them a slight boost w/ FIU
Washington ...... Pro generic ... Wash DC ......... Played in Ravens pro stadium, closest I could do (the eagles stadium has temple logos)
Zissou ............. U Wash ....... Santa Barbara ... redbenn's choice. If we replace UW, it's less of a problem.
jwinslow;1502338; said:
# - already on schedule
* - Rivals

OOC Schedule:

Allenville MM: 1 I-AA, 2 Springfield, 3 Gang, 4 Army

Bayside: 2 TC, 3 Ball st, 5 Hoover

ESU: 1 Hoover, 2 CMU, 8 ND#*, 9 Zissou

Hoover: 1 ESU, 5 Hoover, 6 Houston, 7 Army

Kilpatrick Gang: 1 Miami, 3 Allenville

Miami: 1 Kilpatrick, 2 Permian, 7 UAB, 10 MSU

Permian: 1 I-AA, 2 Miami, 3 UCLA#, 4 TC*

SCLSU: 1 Buffalo, 2 WCanaan, 5 Zissou, 11 Troy

Springfield: 1 Cal#, 2 Mean M, 3 WCanaan, 4 Rutgers#

TC: 1 SCar#, 2 Bayside, 3 Akron, 4 Permian*

Zissou: 1 LSU#, h SCLSU, 9 ESU

W Canaan: 1 Air F, 2 SCLSU, 3 Springfield, 4 SMU
Will figure out Away/Home later.

Unchosen teams:
Sentinels (replacements), Little Giants, Screamin Eagles
Bucknut24;1479342; said:
is there a way you can send a link or something to all the created unis?
I can't link to it directly. Also, you may have to install Flash 10 if it isn't already installed. (Download Flash Player 10 now)

1) Go here: http://www.easportsworld.com/e....reate_a_school
2) Type ups7 in search box and hit enter.
3) "No results found". Delete ups7 from school box (top left).
4) Type ups7 in the author box and hit enter.
5) Make sure 'display custom logos' is checked (bottom left)
6) Click on the team you want to see.
7) When done viewing that team, click the ups7 link (top left, to the right of the team logo) to view my other teams. Otherwise you'll have to start over at step #2.

if you want to see CentralMo's designs, type in wakeboarderdave instead of ups7

All teams are now online for previews.
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I will sign-up. Haven't played a football game since my ICD went nuts months ago during my last game and my cardiologist suggested I give it up if I get that worked up (Serenity now!). Heck, I deleted everyone that I have ever played from my friends list just to stay away from it. Wanted to give it up forever, but I can't.
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Welcome back man, sorry to hear about the complications.

Redbenn can give you some tips on how to have less suspenseful games against me :p We had a lot of nailbiters.
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Bucknut24;1475705; said:
what are gonna be some of the rules?
I think we'll want to play for a little bit to figure out the gameplay, exploits, read suggestions.

In our latest 360 dynasty, we outlawed putting a 2nd RB at FB as he was simply too hard to cover. The pursuit and containment looks a lot better from the preview videos, so that might not be necessary.

What do you guys think about the BP PS3 dynasty rules about position switches, like being of proper size before moving from WR to TE, and above 220 lbs to move to FB?
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I'll probably participate as well. It all depends on what kind of free time I have when school starts up again.

I agree with the position change rules (including the ps3 users).

What type of dynasty are we going to do? Power teams(tOSU, Texas, UF, USC, etc), create a school, etc? If this is one can I have Texas? O
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I am down for a No Cheese OD...

If I have a voice in this, I would prefer 6 minute Quarters on AA with sliders (based on what we see when the game is released) As long as guys are good sports and have headsets, I would love to be in the 360 BP Dynasty.

GT: GomerBucks
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I think the other guys will vouch for the fact that we don't cheese in this league. As far as sliders go, I think we'll wait to get a feel for the new gameplay and such. We also have made tweaks to the sliders in the offseason before when a change was needed.

I'll count you in, Gomer.
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All the games I've played in the current BP dynasty have been nothing short of good fun for me. Count me in double time. If the recruiting is harder this year then I'd like to play in a superconference dynasty as well.
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Okay, for now go ahead and count me in...but that could all change idk.

If we play on AA, it's going to have to have some serious slider changes to make things harder IMO. I don't care what kind of teams we use, but I prefer mid tier
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