i think thats a byproduct of attention lapses, and the occasional lax approach. he tends to compound his problem by doing what you are saying rather than making an attempt to get in good solid postion. its also a product of being so much of a better athlete than everyone and always (up until this point) being able to bail himself out with one great gambling play, rather than approaching the situation not as a win/loss but sometimes playing for a draw. so essentially as in golf sometimes its better to make the play to easy play and not risk the great shot/awful shot, but chip it back in the fairway and live to play for par.I also think that he needs to get out of the habit of trying to reach, and sliding his feet more...
also likewise with oden. officials watch tape too. the traveling is because they are ubber aware that he has a tendency to travel. the interesting thing is often times hes not called when he actually travels but the anticaption. you see the same thing with cook's reaching. they know its comming and are watching for it.