It's hard to swallow that tOSU verbals are climbing in the rankings! Heretofore, it's always been the opposite. When tOSU receives their commitment, that recruit invariably swoons lower in the rankings. It's nice to see certainly, but I'd rather see the NFL give THEIR ranking to the Buckeye players in terms of the draft results. Three years of playing, being tutored by their position coachs, and Coach Mick (of course), and being front and center on national television against worthy opponents. Go Bucks! PS, maybe these kids are 'getting it' that there are a select few universities that will actually develop/make better those athletes that want to put forth the energy and dedication to their craft, and tOSU is one of those atop the heap. PS, I love seeing tOSU garnering in those 5*'s, but I still thoroughly enjoy seeing those 3*'s who rise from obscurity to become high NFL draft picks and stars! Guess I identify with the latter more than the former. Go Bucks!