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*2024 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

He's a weird fellow but he's a great football coach, I think that's why people follow him.

I think weird is putting it lightly. If the man wasn’t a famous football coach/player people would tab him as someone who shouldn’t be allowed within 100 yards of schools or playgrounds
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The propaganda is astounding. They are blaming everyone but these coaches themselves for leaving. Well mostly it's all Warde's fault.

"those who stay" only stay until better opportunity comes about

Dear leader hung them out to dry and took anyone worth taking with him and all the scUM media flunkies are covering for him.

The mgoblow admins have financial interest in controlling the narrative to maintain as much positivity as possible. Got to keep their faithful interested, hopeful and actively visiting the site to keep selling those little ad squares all over their pages.
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The propaganda is astounding. They are blaming everyone but these coaches themselves for leaving. Well mostly it's all Warde's fault.

"those who stay" only stay until better opportunity comes about

Dear leader hung them out to dry and took anyone worth taking with him and all the scUM media flunkies are covering for him.

Balas was the primary guy pushing the “Day’s brother runs a detective agency” shit, as well.

Ohio State’s reporters who have access to the program share things directly from the coaches that you can tell are sometimes self serving, like the timeline for Julian Sayin being a part of the team sounding a bit off as they tried to work with the current QBs before it was made official.

Michigan’s reporters who have access to the program share things directly from the coaches that you can tell come straight from lying narcissist douchebags, and their fans eat it up.
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IMO it wasn’t hard.

3 years ago, Connor Stalions (and crew) took a few games they probably would’ve otherwise lost. Then 2 years ago they had a pretty good team and again Stalions got them a game or two they should’ve lost. However, this year finally a good team returned and that Connor bump was moot because they were actually an old good team.
Confidence and momentum are huge factors in football, and I’d argue the team was riding a huge wave of illegally obtained momentum that carried them through the end of the 2023 season, despite the illegal source being cut off halfway through the year.
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The propaganda is astounding. They are blaming everyone but these coaches themselves for leaving. Well mostly it's all Warde's fault.

"those who stay" only stay until better opportunity comes about

Dear leader hung them out to dry and took anyone worth taking with him and all the scUM media flunkies are covering for him.

Those who stay will be sanctioned.
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Confidence and momentum are huge factors in football, and I’d argue the team was riding a huge wave of illegally obtained momentum that carried them through the end of the 2023 season, despite the illegal source being cut off halfway through the year.

They needed the cheating to get off the mat in 2021 and to get over the hump that is Ohio State. I won’t pretend like they weren’t good this year because they were very veteran and have played a ton of football.

That’s why I wanted them shut down so badly. Now the ones who will pay are the future kids who had nothing to do with this.
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Confidence and momentum are huge factors in football, and I’d argue the team was riding a huge wave of illegally obtained momentum that carried them through the end of the 2023 season, despite the illegal source being cut off halfway through the year.

This is what I think most miss with this whole scandal. Beyond knowing what is coming, having the momentum of finally beating your rival, flipping the script, and winning your division does a lot for the team and staff. It also fucks with everyone you play. You. have to spend time worrying about what they might have on you, overthinking calls and trying to change things up at the end of the season.
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This is what I think most miss with this whole scandal. Beyond knowing what is coming, having the momentum of finally beating your rival, flipping the script, and winning your division does a lot for the team and staff. It also fucks with everyone you play. You. have to spend time worrying about what they might have on you, overthinking calls and trying to change things up at the end of the season.
Don't forget that they needed a global pandemic so that could happen. If it weren't for COVID, they would get destroyed in CBus Harbaugh would get fired and the whole program would go into a downward spiral.
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This is what I think most miss with this whole scandal. Beyond knowing what is coming, having the momentum of finally beating your rival, flipping the script, and winning your division does a lot for the team and staff. It also fucks with everyone you play. You. have to spend time worrying about what they might have on you, overthinking calls and trying to change things up at the end of the season.
Do all those guys come back if they’ve just had a pair of 10-3 years?
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