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*2024 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

Ha - "*ichigan is getting negative recruited because of its offensive scheme."
Uhh... they aren't getting negative recruited because of the potential punishments?

Another good one: Buckeye Dude says, "I enjoyed watching the Arkansas State game." And Deace says, "You did?!?" He's under the delusion that *ichigan is back on track based on the Arkansas State game. He just got done saying that *ichigan wants a do-over for this season by wanting to start Orji, and Arkansas State put them back on track? How can those two things be correct?
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Brohio 12th Warrior 3 HOURS AGO
OK, we're good to go. The person that alleged Mike Hart turned over evidence against Connor was Chris Partridge. There was another person besides him to make the same allegation to the producers but I was told Partridge was the only person of any importance. According to the producers, Partridge also said there was also a Zoom meeting with Harbaugh and other coaches ripping on Mike Hart for it or something. The details on that latter part are very vague. Partridge was not officially interviewed on-camera but the producers had been in contact with him at some point in either January or February of 2024. Partridge had initially agreed to be interviewed on-camera but it didn't end up working out. I don't know the details why the on-camera interview didn't happen but he was being represented by Tom Mars at the time so that may be the answer right there haha. For timeline sake, the producers told me about all of this in early July of 2024. I told PD and 22 behind the scenes in August of 2024 and asked them not to disclose any of this until it was ok to do so. They were trustworthy partners this entire time and I thank them for that.
So I hope this helps explain how despite the fact that I still find it implausible that Hart was the 3rd party firm's inside source, I still have Hart at the top of my list of "suspects." If this were just Balas, Hole, Totchman etc making the accusation, I'd have already dismissed it. I'm still not 100% sold that it definitely was Hart btw, it's just hard to argue with someone that was on staff with him making the accusation. I'm still considering other people and I have not ruled out Alex Yood and/or his family yet either.

Big disclaimer here: The producers were NOT able to confirm these allegations. I am merely relaying what they told to me and the timeline in which they did so.

Brohio 12th Warrior 3 HOURS AGO
FWIW I would love nothing more than for someone from the UM side, Hart's camp or Partridge's camp come out and definitively refute this. My analytical mind just can't allow me to fully accept that Michigan allowed a saboteur to continue coaching. It makes no sense to me and has had my brain in a pretzel for months. I get the whistleblower laws etc. but I just can't fully accept UM would allow him to continue coaching, doing media appearances etc if he had sabotaged the team. I want there to be another option that makes more logical sense...I just can't deny that a staff fellow staff member saying this is about as damning as it gets.
They probably kept him on to keep an eye on him, and in fear if he were let go, he'd start blabbing to everyone.
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Ha - "*ichigan is getting negative recruited because of its offensive scheme."
Uhh... they aren't getting negative recruited because of the potential punishments?

Another good one: Buckeye Dude says, "I enjoyed watching the Arkansas State game." And Deace says, "You did?!?" He's under the delusion that *ichigan is back on track based on the Arkansas State game. He just got done saying that *ichigan wants a do-over for this season by wanting to start Orji, and Arkansas State put them back on track? How can those two things be correct?
They're laboring under the delusion of if they don't talk about/acknowledge it, it isn't happening.
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The one thing that I think will keep Day from hanging a hundred on these fucks is that we all know that the minute the game is out of hand, they'll start playing dirty and chippy. It's just who they are. Day will start pulling starters and taking his foot off the gas in the interest of his players' safety.

This year I fear they will come out dirty and chippy from that start because they know it's a lost cause.

Wouldn't be shocked if they do the same thing against the other upper level conference teams either.
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The one thing that I think will keep Day from hanging a hundred on these fucks is that we all know that the minute the game is out of hand, they'll start playing dirty and chippy. It's just who they are. Day will start pulling starters and taking his foot off the gas in the interest of his players' safety.

This year I fear they will come out dirty and chippy from that start because they know it's a lost cause.

Wouldn't be shocked if they do the same thing against the other upper level conference teams either.

Yep, we know the routine. Running into guys when taking the field, shit-talking during warmups until there's a scuffle at midfield. 8 guys coincidentally surrounding a freshman after a kick return until there's a fight, creating fights on the way to the locker room.

Going to be interesting to see how many tunnel incidents there are this year.
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Going to be interesting to see how many tunnel incidents there are this year.
At first I thought you meant against Ohio State. But that game is in Columbus.
Regardless, it seems that more and more teams are having problems with fights in the tunnel. Guess what? The other teams change, but the home team remains the same. And the fights keep happening. Maybe the other team isn't to blame?
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