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*2024 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

I am working under the assumption that 11w insiders and Scoop are blowing imaginary smoke of an imaginary fire until the proverbial hammer actually drops.
The drum guy has been right about a lot, so I think he deserves some attention. That being said, I'll still be skeptical right up until the penalties are officially announced.
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Anybody expecting any real discussion by the vapid talking heads this weekend are likely to be disappointed. Right now all we have is message board, blogosphere, podcast and twitter speculation. The major networks won't let their puppets discuss it until something vetted and credible leaks.

Frankly, if the shoe was on the other foot, that's how I'd expect it to be.

The real test of the integrity of the sports media will be if they talk about it when the actual NOA begins to leak.
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Anybody expecting any real discussion by the vapid talking heads this weekend are likely to be disappointed. Right now all we have is message board, blogosphere, podcast and twitter speculation. The major networks won't let their puppets discuss it until something vetted and credible leaks.

Frankly, if the shoe was on the other foot, that's how I'd expect it to be.

The real test of the integrity of the sports media will be if they talk about it when the actual NOA begins to leak.

At that point, I think they'll have to with the exception being Herbie of course. I doubt Herbie will say anything when the penalties are announced unless it's a slap on the wrist. He's so obsessed with not being seen as an Ohio State homer that he overcompensates in the opposite direction. Accusations about Ohio State, and he piles on harder than anyone. Accusations against tcun and crickets. Nobody is expecting him to be a clown like Desmond, but I truly believe that he doesn't have the intellect to approach it with any nuance or complexity, so he goes all in on never being seen as supporting Ohio State under any circumstances.
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Via Premierdrum:

Just to add some clarity, and hopefully get expectations back in line: I'm sharing the information I trust and validate so long as I can do so without outing my sources. We had a very illuminating and entertaining cadence of leaks and new info over the past several weeks. There is more that will ultimately come out, but right now we're in a holding pattern until the NOA leaks or the Weiss stuff moves forward.

We broke the draft NOA and its specific charges - including LOIC, we broke their settlement negotiations and Moore being offered up, Brohio broke Connor on the CMU sidelines, we broke CMU's cooperation with the NCAA, we broke CMU's draft NOA and *lack of* a formal NOA, we broke that AA was expecting and bracing for the NOA 48 hours before they received it... all while major media said it was still weeks or months off.

I think most importantly, we broke brand new information about the genesis of the investigation, the depth of evidence the NCAA has, and that UM knew about this months earlier without self-reporting. Nobody else has this independently confirmed yet - it's quite literally exclusive to 11W. And I'm perfectly comfortable sharing with you now that I'm certain this specific information was leaked through us because there was a desire to softly get it out into the conversation ahead of the NOA becoming public. It 100% was meant to counter UM's sympathetic "no changes from the draft NOA, we're expecting minor sanctions" BS.

None of this is meant as a victory lap, rather to show that we've shared what we could share when we were sure it was accurate and appropriate. We're not working off of some QAnon script.

The brotherhood here is incredible, and I consider myself quite fortunate to be a part of it. It's a waiting game right now, and nobody can say for certain when the next shoe drops.
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