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2x All Big Ten
Pro Football Hall of Fame

Paul Warfield


All Big Ten
All American
National Champion

John Brockington


Bobby Carpenter

Bobby is yet another Buckeye that does not have "All Big Ten" on his resume (2nd team). He was the 3rd Big Ten linebacker taken in the NFL draft (18th pick).
The Ped State LB that was first team All Big Ten ahead of Bobby was a Junior who would go on to be the 34th pick in the following year's draft. Draft status isn't everything, but I think all Buckeye fans felt that Bobby was robbed.
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2x All Big Ten
Pro Football Hall of Fame

Paul Warfield


All Big Ten
All American
National Champion

John Brockington


Bobby Carpenter

Bobby is yet another Buckeye that does not have "All Big Ten" on his resume (2nd team). He was the 3rd Big Ten linebacker taken in the NFL draft (18th pick).
The Ped State LB that was first team All Big Ten ahead of Bobby was a Junior who would go on to be the 34th pick in the following year's draft. Draft status isn't everything, but I think all Buckeye fans felt that Bobby was robbed.
And he's still ripped like a m'fr!
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More fun????? use players only pre 1959 to finish the countdown :evil:
Any idea all the great Buckeyes we'd be leaving out of the countdown?

Rather than going through the whole list, let's just look at tomorrow.

That rule would mean that we leave out Keith Byars.



And let me answer your next question before you ask it: Yes, taking things-that-were-meant-in-jest seriously is just another service I offer (along with sarcasm, snark, and stats)
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Any idea all the great Buckeyes we'd be leaving out of the countdown?

Rather than going through the whole list, let's just look at tomorrow.

That rule would mean that we leave out Keith Byers.



And let me answer your next question before you ask it: Yes, taking things-that-were-meant-in-jest seriously is just another service I offer (along with sarcasm, snark, and stats)

I love this thread because I copy the pics and send them in my long running group chat with my dad and my brothers as our family countdown to kickoff.

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Keith Byars running out of his shoe on the way to a touchdown is one of my favorite Buckeye mements of all time. IIRC, that run fueled a huge comeback win.
1984 Illinois

Down 24-0 at one point

Earle, to his credit did not abandon the run

Byars went for about 274 IIRC, 67 on the one without his shoe, 3 yards around left end for the winning touchdown at the south end, right in front of me and my younger brother.
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Any idea all the great Buckeyes we'd be leaving out of the countdown?

Rather than going through the whole list, let's just look at tomorrow.

That rule would mean that we leave out Keith Byars.



And let me answer your next question before you ask it: Yes, taking things-that-were-meant-in-jest seriously is just another service I offer (along with sarcasm, snark, and stats)
Well it's good to know you are not only snarky but don't like fun.......:boogie:
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Number Retired (11/18/00)

2x All Big Ten
2x All American
2x Team MVP
Silver Football Award (Chicago Tribune Big Ten MVP)
First Buckeye to Win the Maxwell Award
Heisman Trophy Winner
College Football Hall of Fame Inductee
Howard "Hopalong" Cassady

Also referred to as "Hop" in the record book, making him the only Buckeye (that I can think of) who officially has a nickname for his nickname.
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that’s exciting! it’s great that it’s starting up again, days isn’t too long. time flies by so fast. good to hear you’ll be getting serious with Bill Willis – it’s going to be an intense and interesting period. as I see it, the time until the season starts goes by in a flash, so it’s worth being prepared for everything.

Best regands Christopher 8D
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Number Retired (11/18/00)

2x All Big Ten
2x All American
2x Team MVP
Silver Football Award (Chicago Tribune Big Ten MVP)
First Buckeye to Win the Maxwell Award
Heisman Trophy Winner
College Football Hall of Fame Inductee
Howard "Hopalong" Cassady

Also referred to as "Hop" in the record book, making him the only Buckeye (that I can think of) who officially has a nickname for his nickname.
I was a gangly teenager not very interested in any sport outside of Marion Ohio when i started noticing articles in the Marion Star about a guy they were calling "Hopalong" which peaked my interest.
And a lifetime "Buckeye" was born.
Words cannot express the feelings I have had since then, have now, and will have until the day they will bury my sorry ass.
Lord I'm tearing up.
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