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Strength Coach
Anthony Schlegel
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Ohio State's First 3X All-American
Single-Handedly Turned OSU Football into a Spectator Sport
Yes, Ohio Stadium is The House That Harley Built
Old Music and Cannonfire Himself

Number Retired 10/30/04
Chic Harley

...and a more recent #47

3x All Big Ten
2x All American
Big Ten Defensive Player of the Year
Team MVP
Lombardi Award

A.J. Hawk
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Only number retired before the year 2000 (10/30/99)

3x All Big Ten
3x All American
2x Captain
2x Team MVP
2x Silver Football Award Winner (Chicago Tribune Big Ten MVP)
2x Walter Camp Award
Maxwell Award
The two-time Heisman Trophy Winner
1986 College Football Hall of Fame Inductee
1990 Rose Bowl Hall of Fame Inductee
2011 Ford-Kinnick Leadership Award Winner

Archie Griffin
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Only number retired before the year 2000 (10/30/99)

3x All Big Ten
3x All American
2x Captain
2x Team MVP
2x Silver Football Award Winner (Chicago Tribune Big Ten MVP)
2x Walter Camp Award
Maxwell Award
The two-time Heisman Trophy Winner
1986 College Football Hall of Fame Inductee
1990 Rose Bowl Hall of Fame Inductee
2011 Ford-Kinnick Leadership Award Winner

Archie Griffin
The lack of Buckeye leaves on the helmet is quite noticeable. Woody didn’t give them out like candy.

I’m assuming that’s The Game in 1975, since #77 is Greg Morton, a starter in ‘75 but a non-starting frosh in ‘73. And if that’s the case, the guy who is playing in The Game immediately prior to winning a second Heisman Trophy has no stickers visible!
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The lack of Buckeye leaves on the helmet is quite noticeable. Woody didn’t give them out like candy.

I’m assuming that’s The Game in 1975, since #77 is Greg Morton, a starter in ‘75 but a non-starting frosh in ‘73. And if that’s the case, the guy who is playing in The Game immediately prior to winning a second Heisman Trophy has no stickers visible!
None visible, right

They all wore them on the right side of the helmet IIRC

And they were much bigger than they are today

So yeah…. It took a lot to impress Woody

Edit… you can see how big they were on that other guys helmet

And they were green too
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