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Anyone going to Eugene for the game in October? I am looking at airbnbs in the area, hotels were probably sold out months ago. I'm excited to see the new kid's campus. Hoping to see a lot of scarlet, will be interesting how many buckeyes are around with the stadium only seating ~54k.
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All Big Ten
All American
National Champion

Jim Marshall


All Big Ten
National Champion

Alex Stepanovich
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2x All Big Ten
2x All American
Big Ten Freshman of the Year
2x Big Ten OL of the Year (an award that is now named for him)
Big Ten Offensive Player of the Year
Big Ten MVP (Chicago Tribune Silver Football)
Outland Trophy
2x Lombardi Award - Only Sophomore to win it
Rose Bowl Hall of Fame
College Football Hall of Fame
NFL Hall of Fame

Orlando Pace
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View attachment 40934

Ohio State Athletics Hall of Fame
All American
National Champion

Bob Vogel


All Big Ten
All American
National Champion

Rufus Mayes

Rufus was notable for having worn a different number in each of the 3 years in which he was a starter. He wore 73 as a starter in 1968, the year in which he won the above accolades.
Mayes was in Woody’s course when I took it. Hayes stated on day 1 that the folks who wanted an A or a B always sat in the first three rows. One day could we hear Woody coming down the hall. Mayes didn’t have seat in the the third row so he picked up a safety, bench pressed him and put him down in row four and took his seat in row three. Hayes walks in, saw the situation and told the safety he needed to get there early enough to get a seat in row 2.
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2x All Big Ten
All American
Big Ten Defensive Lineman of the Year
Big Ten Defensive Player of the Year

Big Daddy Dan Wilkinson

Another great 72 in Ohio State history was the 1972 edition of The Game

The gold pants were earned in the red zone that day, as the Buckeyes held on for one goal line stand after another. The tackles who owned the center of the line of scrimmage, paving the way for the victory, will appear in the countdown tomorrow and the next day.

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William Roberts

While William (better known as Bill while at OSU) won no post season honors at Ohio State, the New York Giants selected him in the first round of the NFL draft and he vindicated that selection with a fine career. He is a great example of Buckeyes who deserve to be remembered even though the sports writers of the day didn't appreciate their contribution at the time.


2x All Big Ten
Team MVP
George Hasenohrl

Along with yesterday's DT from the 1972 goal line stands, George was a big part of that victory.
As for that 1972 game vs TTUN, here is a picture of George (screen cap from VHS) about to make the final tackle in his final game in Ohio Stadium.

George was another Buckeye who was taken from us far too soon. He died at the age of 51, just a couple of months before the 2002 team wrapped up their National Championship.


Academic All American
National Football Foundation Scholarship Winner
All American
All Big Ten
Ohio State Athletics Hall of Fame
National Champion

Dave Foley
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