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2022 NCAA Tournament, Brackets and games

Rhoden has been a star for Seton Hall, a former ball boy at MSG, but he goes to the bench with 4 fouls and 18 minutes left.

It's not looking good for the Pirates.
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Arizona didn't look all that great versus Wright State but I've invested in them heavily, so I hope you're right.
Wright played the best they could possibly play and caused a lot of turnovers but still lost by almost 20. I watched that UCLA game and Arizona's force in the paint was frightening. I wanted to go back and change my pick from Kansas to AZ in the Final but it was too late. They could win this thing without a doubt.
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Wright played the best they could possibly play and caused a lot of turnovers but still lost by almost 20. I watched that UCLA game and Arizona's force in the paint was frightening. I wanted to go back and change my pick from Kansas to AZ in the Final but it was too late. They could win this thing without a doubt.

I took Arizona to win it, but I'm not as confident in them as you. Probably still recovering from my Kentucky Final Four gut punch. :lol:
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