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2022 NCAA Tournament, Brackets and games

Whereas Jeri Ryan is forever known as Seven of Boobs, Dana Jacobsen should be known as Seven of Horseface


She does have a couple redeeming qualities:

1. Dana Jacobson Suspended By ESPN For "F*** Notre Dame" Remarks

2. Icon Sports Media has released images of Dana Jacobson's drunken rant at the Mike and Mike roast. The coveted video is still hidden away, but the pictures below give you an idea of just how messy it must have been:


Dana at the podium swigging vodka


Dana being hauled off the podium by Jeff Ross (note Mike Ditka in the background)

Entire article: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dana-jacobson-suspended-b_n_82908

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Jesus Tyrese Hunter for ISU just hit the entire sword shot from about 26 feet to go up 5 under a minute left. Damn

He did the same thing about 50 seconds earlier. Cold blooded.

Tyrese Hunter hits two 25 foot bombs as the shot clock was winding down and rescues Iowa State, 59-54.
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