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2022 NCAA Tournament, Brackets and games

Davidson got called for 4 fouls on one possession vs Sparty.

Wisconsin got called for 1 the entire first half vs Colgate.
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"5 whistles on Davidson in the last minute of action." Fucking disgrace. Including the last call of a charge with MSU in the restricted area. Geesh

The name on the front of your jersey matters in this tournament, for better or worse.

Not saying it's some sort of conspiracy, just saying it's human nature. Big boy teams tend to be viewed differently than upstarts.
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That was a block refs call too many charges. Still Davidson isn't winning they had it then let it get away.

100% agree. With the addition of the arc, that’s all they look at now. Dude slides under a guy in the air? Charge because he was outside the arc. I’m fine with “it can’t be a charge inside the arc” but that doesn’t automatically mean anything outside the arc is a charge.
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