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2021 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, Feckless Marmots, and Quitty Cowards

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This exact issue came up recently in a conversation I had with my son-in-law. Who happens to be a Clemson grad (along with both my daughters and my son).

Pre-Clemson game we spoke about what the asshat Dabo had done (ranking us 11). I used our TTUN rivalry as an example. As OSU fans we hate TTUN with ever fiber of our existence, BUT we respect the rivalry.

That's why you don't see any of our players, let alone our fucking Head Coach, spouting off BS like Dabo did.

With that said .... Fuck xichigan and Fuck Dabo.
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I have a great deal of respect for the institution. As a public research school, it has few peers.

As a football team - well, I like the consistency and instant recognition of their uniforms. I don't care who they're playing, you see a picture or a bit of film and you know instantly it's Michigan. I like their fight song, especially when TBDBITL plays it. I like the fact that they have a winning record against Notre Dame.

As for The Game, I love the tension, the year long preparation, the bands and the music of both schools. I love the history and the sense that ultimately the Bucks are going to overtake them in terms of wins. I love the spirit both schools bring to the contest, the bumper sticker insults, the T-shirt put downs, Go Blue and We don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan. I love the fact that the weather is cold, that sleet and snow are often a part of the game.

Then there are their fans. I was on one of the team buses following the 1971 game - the one where Woody broke the yard line markers - I heard the insults hurled at Woody and the team as Michigan fans rocked the bus and began throwing rocks and mud at it. I looked out at the howling mob, their faces red and raging. They were every bit as crazy as Buckeye fans. That hasn't changed, the difference being that Ohio State fans will admit their excesses, Michigan fans will turn around and claim they never get worked up over a mere football game. It's the hypocrisy that turns me off. It's that hypocrisy that makes me hope Day WILL hang a hundred on them. It's that hypocrisy that sustained my faith through the 90s that one day in the not too distant future we will pass them in number of wins and Big 10 football championships. O H!
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The University of Michigan is one of the great public universities. As a professor, I respect what they have accomplished and I will never demean them. TTUN is one of the preeminent football programs in college football that has not had a winning record against Ohio State since 1906. That's right, 115 years. Their claims of "winningest program" are rooted in the early years of football in an era where most universities did not even have teams and pro football had not yet begun. They are Ohio State's one and only rival and I respect them for showing up annually and giving Ohio State their best. I want to see them lose by 1 point every year. I want to see them win every other game. And I want that because I want this rivalry to be recognized always as the greatest in sports...and I want to bathe in their tears.
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I respect them for showing up annually and giving Ohio State their best.

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As for @DaddyBigBucks point, I respectfully (see what I did there?) disagree. You can indeed hate something without respecting it.

I hate cancer. I hate war. I hate hunger. I hate people that hurt children. I hate extremists. I hate the French and I especially hate *ichigan.

See, no respect for any proper noun on that list.
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As for @DaddyBigBucks point, I respectfully (see what I did there?) disagree. You can indeed hate something without respecting it.

I hate cancer. I hate war. I hate hunger. I hate people that hurt children. I hate extremists. I hate the French and I especially hate *ichigan.

See, no respect for any proper noun on that list.

This will be my last word on the subject, because semantics isn't really why we're here, but...

For most of these things our difference is not in the definition of hate, it is in the definition of respect.

If something is especially dangerous, you change your behavior because of it. When something causes you to change your behavior, you have acknowledged that it poses a threat to something that you value. This might pose a very low level of respect, but it is respect as I define it. If you truly have zero respect for something, you ignore it. It has no effect on your behavior.

Cancer kills a lot of people. Very few things kill more. The conference that Ohio State belongs to has a multi-billion dollar consortium dedicated to eradicating it. You don't do that for things you ignore, you do that for things you respect as a legitimate threat.

Same with war. It kills people and breaks things and mankind changes their behavior massively in attempts to prevent war.

Ditto hunger. Most of us have probably given money or food to strangers because hunger, even in a stranger, is something we hate. But it has thus changed our behavior. Once again, if you don't respect it, you would simply ignore it.

People that hurt children... That's a tough one, and here it really tests my definition. But to me you can only truly hate something that is a threat, and if you are recognizing it as a threat to something you value, you are giving it that much respect. As I've already said, it is about as low a level of respect as there is, but it is not something you ignore. (Ditto extremists).

As for the French... This might be where our disagreement is not with the word respect but with the word hate. The French are not a threat, they don't affect our behavior. So here I would say that I (and it seems you) despise the French. The whole difference between despise and hate is respect.

And this brings us back around to TTUN, the French of the B1G. I despise them. Maybe the Buckeyes despise them. But the Buckeyes have given them that bottom-of-the-barrel level of respect where you alter your behavior only because you think that the only threat that they can pose to you is if you overlook them. This is the level of respect that you pay to a rabid rat. You absently swat it with a shovel without really putting much effort into it; but you then make sure it's dead. Hence UTQTFS. That's just us wanting to make sure the rat is dead.
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And this brings us back around to TTUN, the French of the B1G. I despise them. Maybe the Buckeyes despise them. But the Buckeyes have given them that bottom-of-the-barrel level of respect where you alter your behavior only because you think that the only threat that they can pose to you is if you overlook them. This is the level of respect that you pay to a rabid rat. You absently swat it with a shovel without really putting much effort into it; but you then make sure it's dead. Hence UTQTFS. That's just us wanting to make sure the rat is dead.


you had me at "French of the B1G"
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And this brings us back around to TTUN, the French of the B1G. I despise them. Maybe the Buckeyes despise them. But the Buckeyes have given them that bottom-of-the-barrel level of respect where you alter your behavior only because you think that the only threat that they can pose to you is if you overlook them. This is the level of respect that you pay to a rabid rat. You absently swat it with a shovel without really putting much effort into it; but you then make sure it's dead. Hence UTQTFS. That's just us wanting to make sure the rat is dead.
You had me at “rabid rat”.


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I hate cancer. I hate war. I hate hunger. I hate people that hurt children. I hate extremists. I hate the French and I especially hate *ichigan.

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What if...now stay with me here...we declare war on cancer, hunger, people that hurt children, extremists, the French, and TTUN? Then war is good, no?
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