So my first "real" job was prepping at an Olive Garden in the mid-90s. That place taught me how to do drugs and drink. I'm not sure they gave me any other life skills.
Anyway, I was the only person in that entire kitchen that didn't have a conviction, and later on it turned out that they'd had a pool to see how long I would last. The GM actually apologized to me after a year, because his money was on six weeks tops.
To the point of the post, that GIF is related. The store wasn't in the best neighborhood, so we wouldn't take the trash out at night for fear of getting robbed. So the prep team would do a trash run first thing in the morning. There was a Walgreens or some shit behind the place, and someone would run over and buy a 12-pack. We would store the cans in a lettuce box, and periodically do a trash run to shotgun a beer.
In the men's employee restroom, there was always a pint of vodka stashed in the paper towel holder. In the women's was always a bowl, and if you cached it, you had to pack it.
Long story short now (lol) I remember Fred getting absolutely TRASHED one day, and dumping about 20 gallons of meat sauce all over the prep line. It was hilarious.
No worries about our illicit consumption. The KM was an ex-Marine coke head. I remember one time he ripped his baggy and spilled his entire 8-ball. He came out of the bathroom saying, "oh shit, oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck," went and cut a straw in half and snorted that shit off the bathroom floor.
Good times.