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2019 NCAA Basketball Tournament Discussion (Official Thread)

unfortunately, i'm kinda thinking that this might be a preview of our game tonight.
Not sure why you think that. Tennessee is a legit top-10 team, who has proven it by beating other top teams like Kentucky (twice) and Gonzaga. Houston's by far best win was a comeback at home vs a mercurial LSU team (and yes, I think the AAC is a fraud conference). Iowa was playing like they didnt belong in the tournament down the stretch of the season and lost by 20 to OSU.
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Not sure why you think that. Tennessee is a legit top-10 team, who has proven it by beating other top teams like Kentucky (twice) and Gonzaga. Houston's by far best win was a comeback at home vs a mercurial LSU team (and yes, I think the AAC is a fraud conference). Iowa was playing like they didnt belong in the tournament down the stretch of the season and lost by 20 to OSU.
you're expecting my pessimism to be rational?
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weber: "some teams gain confidence by their offense and defense."

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