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2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament Discussion (Official Thread)

Florida State with a lot of stupid shots at key moments in the game. No need to be a hero. Seems every time they were only down one possession, someone chucked up a three, instead of taking a better, safer two. Reminds me of a certain other team I watched the past couple years.
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ESPN being ESPN trying to down play Loyola Cinderella story
Dari Nowkhah ESPN


"Yes Loyola has been the talk of the field,but how can you call this team Cinderella"
'They have two JC (Junior College) All American transfers,two more DI power conference transfers"
"Loyola forces kids to take a red shirt,therefor having fifth and sixth year Seniors"
"Having 23-24 year old kids,that have been in a program for six years,is a huge advantage"
"Great story,great season,love Sister Jean"
"Not really Cinderella its more like,an NBA G League squad than a Mid Major"
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