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2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament Discussion (Official Thread)

I was speaking more about the fact they had them on the ropes in the middle of the first half and kept chucking the ball out of bounds

That's how a team with obvious physical skills goes 9-9 in conference. I think we can guess how this one ends, unfortunately.
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The good news, such as it is?

Villanova, Kansas, and Dook are still alive.

The bad news?

Because there is no reseeding, scUM would only have to beat one of them to win this thing.
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32 wins is a lot for a "Cinderella", but I appreciate your point.

My beef is the committee puts too much emphasis on strength of schedule. Teams that go 18-14 or 19-15 have no business getting bids based on SOS, since they obviously lost a lot of those games. Okay, so they won a few. When you get double digit chances you should win a few.

Loyola was fortunate to get on Florida's schedule this year because no one will be signing them up for a December game after this run. That's what happens to good mid-majors. People yell "Play somebody!" but nobody wants to play them.
Loyola won the auto bid for the Valley, no matter what you would like reality to be, you can't change that. You are arguing they would be out with no real proof.
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Good mid majors can schedule good mid majors if they want to and build a resume even if all the HMs turn them down. Stacking a nonconference with good mids is just as effective as loading up with high majors. Reality is a lot of teams don't expect to be on the bubble and don't plan ahead because they don't think they really need to stack the nonconference schedule. Laissez-faire nonconference scheduling for lower conference teams is not justifiable, you have to work and prepare to have a tough schedule specifically to maximize your tourney chances when you are in a weak conference, but reality is most mid-major teams don't go out of their way to bulk up the nonconference slate. If you put yourself at the mercy of the committee by lacking quality wins, regardless of who you are, you don't really deserve to make the tournament.
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