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2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament Discussion (Official Thread)

Not until they begin ejecting guys for it. I think this would have been a good time to start. 8D

Just from the pure enforcement/calling it, its already there. From an impact standpoint, I think 2 and possession could be just as influential as losing a player depending when in the game it's called. Obviously early like this won't be too influential unless Robinson also gets stuck with some more crappy calls that forces him to sit/foul out, but late/at a critical moment for momentum, I can see saying it can be as influential.
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Just from the pure enforcement/calling it, its already there. From an impact standpoint, I think 2 and possession could be just as influential as losing a player depending when in the game it's called. Obviously early like this won't be too influential unless Robinson also gets stuck with some more crappy calls that forces him to sit/foul out, but late/at a critical moment for momentum, I can see saying it can be as influential.

Because basketball, like soccer, ejects players for cumulative fouls it can definitely influence the outcome.

Such a great game basketball, but too many dumb rules. It could be even better.
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