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2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament Discussion (Official Thread)

They're 1 minute away from the Final Four.

Everyone was shocked when they won at Florida in December. How about now?
Yep. But they also have had a much easier run and a lot of luck so far. It is a great accomplishment for them. I have a close friend there who is over the moon. Apparently, they have bobble heads of that nun.

Unfortunately, the next game will not go this way.
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Yep. But they also have had a much easier run and a lot of luck so far. It is a great accomplishment for them. I have a close friend there who is over the moon. Apparently, they have bobble heads of that nun.

Unfortunately, the next game will not go this way.

Loyola did what Virginia, Cincinnati, Tennessee, Arizona, Kentucky, and Miami failed to do...win their games. It's not their fault four of those teams pissed down their legs (the other two lost to Loyola).

But anything short of winning it all will get "See? Told ya!", as you've already indicated. Okay. :lol:
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Loyola did what Virginia, Cincinnati, Tennessee, Arizona, Kentucky, and Miami failed to do...win their games. It's not their fault four of those teams pissed down their legs (the other two lost to Loyola).

But anything short of winning it all will get "See? Told ya!", as you've already indicated. Okay. :lol:
Not at all. I'd like to see them win it all. I just think this was the last party tonight. Until the tourney, the average team that Loyola played was ranked about #150 (see https://www.masseyratings.com/team.php?t=4254&s=298892). They came back after Florida to lose 3 of 4, including getting their arses handed to them by Wisconsin Milwaukee.

So, I'd love to see them keep this together but the Kansas team that they played tonight has an offense ranked outside the top 75 by Pomeroy and T-Rank and outside the top 200 by Massey. They could very well get lucky again, but I think this is a real Cinderella run and I think it has been fun to watch.
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I'll be tuning into Live PD and college hockey (real tournament) instead of this crap game

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Not at all. I'd like to see them win it all. I just think this was the last party tonight. Until the tourney, the average team that Loyola played was ranked about #150 (see https://www.masseyratings.com/team.php?t=4254&s=298892). They came back after Florida to lose 3 of 4, including getting their arses handed to them by Wisconsin Milwaukee.

So, I'd love to see them keep this together but the Kansas team that they played tonight has an offense ranked outside the top 75 by Pomeroy and T-Rank and outside the top 200 by Massey. They could very well get lucky again, but I think this is a real Cinderella run and I think it has been fun to watch.

32 wins is a lot for a "Cinderella", but I appreciate your point.

My beef is the committee puts too much emphasis on strength of schedule. Teams that go 18-14 or 19-15 have no business getting bids based on SOS, since they obviously lost a lot of those games. Okay, so they won a few. When you get double digit chances you should win a few.

Loyola was fortunate to get on Florida's schedule this year because no one will be signing them up for a December game after this run. That's what happens to good mid-majors. People yell "Play somebody!" but nobody wants to play them.
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