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2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament Discussion (Official Thread)

Esa had problems academically at WVU so I think Matta made the right call regarding him. Omari said out last season and I am not sure if it was because of academics or not.. So I am not sure about him either. Basketball wise they are both good players but you never know what you never know.

Omari left North Royalton after his soph year; went to one prep school then another for his last 2 years and transcript had issues. Still - 5* big men that can stretch the floor don't fall off trees, especially trees in your own state.
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Omari left North Royalton after his soph year; went to one prep school then another for his last 2 years and transcript had issues. Still - 5* big men that can stretch the floor don't fall off trees, especially trees in your own state.
he was a nova lock very early in the recruiting process… I do not think he even considered other schools. Even the blue bloods.
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Seriously Michigan is going to make the National Championship game after being at like 3% chance to beat Houston when there was 3.9 seconds left and down 2 and Houston had 2 FT's.............

What an awful tournament. Only good things were UMBC beating Virginia and Loyola hopefully making the Final 4.
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Heres a list that says VCU was the worst Final 4 team All Time
Id say George Mason or Wisconsin 2000

I would agree with you, that 06 George Mason and Wisconsin 2000 were both worse teams than 11 VCU.

Also, I see the author did not know who actually was coaching Wisconsin in 2000, so their opinion is probably not the most reliable.

Ultimately, whether it is K-State or Loyola, they could make a new bottom-10 after this year for sure.
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I would agree with you, that 06 George Mason and Wisconsin 2000 were both worse teams than 11 VCU.

I liked that VCU team they were different amd good for college basketball,im not a fan of teams like Virginia that try to win a game in the last minute,even if they have a way better team. I understand if your team isnt as good and you wanna keep it close,but UVA is actually pretty talented and that style sucks
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Seriously Michigan is going to make the National Championship game after being at like 3% chance to beat Houston when there was 3.9 seconds left and down 2 and Houston had 2 FT's.............

What an awful tournament. Only good things were UMBC beating Virginia and Loyola hopefully making the Final 4.

If MAAR or Mathews hits a few layups ,Michigan wouldve been up by 8-9 with 40 seconds left.Michigan missed 16 shots inside 5 ft (according to MGOBLUE.com) the most they missed that close in 12 years
Michigan missed 4 straight layups inside the final 45 seconds.

If Michigan lower seeds wouldve been Gonzage and Kentucky to get to Final 4 or Title game,does this make a difference? Both teams were lower seeds,or is it just the "names on the uniforms"? Michigan is playing teams that are hot and beating the Zags,and Kentuckys of the world... Michigan wouldve beat Zags by 30+ i was praying for the Zags
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Seriously Michigan is going to make the National Championship game after being at like 3% chance to beat Houston when there was 3.9 seconds left and down 2 and Houston had 2 FT's.............

What an awful tournament. Only good things were UMBC beating Virginia and Loyola hopefully making the Final 4.

You're just mad that none of your four teams made the Elite Eight, and your expert bracket went to shit like everyone else.
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Id say Villanova is very close to Ohio St when talking Blue Bloods .. Not Kansas,Kentucky,North Carolina types,but right there in the next group mix

Ohio St:
National Titles - 1 .. Runner Up -4 .. 32 times in the Tourny (including years taken away from violations) 15- Sweet 16s 15-Elite 8s

National Titles-2 .. Runner up 1 .. 38 tournys 18-Sweet 16s 14-Elite 8s

pretty even resumes
Career leaders
Points Scored: Dennis Hopson (2,096)
Assists: Aaron Craft (579)
Rebounds: Jerry Lucas (1,411)
Steals: Aaron Craft (208)

Games Played
Rebounds Howard Porter – 1,325 rebounds
Assists Kenny Wilson – 627 assists
Steals Kerry Kittles – 277 steals
Blocks Jason Lawson – 375 blocks
Points Scored Kerry Kittles – 2,243 points
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