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2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament Discussion (Official Thread)

hard to fault painter or his team. the difference between purdue with haas and purdue without haas is massive. i feel bad for the boilermakers. their best teams from the last decade lost hummel and haas late in the season.

That Hummel team was legit. We'll never know...
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Posted this tweet pre-season.

(Value over replacement player)

1 of Zona, Nova, Xavier, Purdue seem like reasonable Final Four teams, if that trend were to continue.

A lot of love to Duke and MSU as Championship picks.
Upsets (Arizona, Xavier) and injury (Purdue) have impacted that. Villanova still looks good to carry on the trend.

Fuck dook.
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Villanova, Duke, Kansas and VCU?

Ha. Well, since you want to continue the discussion :) ... VCU had a combined 83 assists to 46 turnovers in the 5 games they won to make the F4, while the same 5 opponents had 53 assists to 69 turnovers vs VCU. And one of those wins was over a loaded #1 seed Kansas team with the Morris twins (both legit NBA players). Thus far Loyola opps have combined for 34 assists and 31 turnovers thru 3 games. Tell me, which team in Loyola's potential 4-game run to the F4 has two lottery picks this year?
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Still hurts my innards to see Esa Ahmad and Omari Spellman out there crushing it. Cleveland boys, should have been on that 71-S :(
Esa had problems academically at WVU so I think Matta made the right call regarding him. Omari said out last season and I am not sure if it was because of academics or not.. So I am not sure about him either. Basketball wise they are both good players but you never know what you never know.
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