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2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament Discussion (Official Thread)

Michigan 4 opponents have the highest AP and Ken Pom avgs of the remaining last four teams, so technically they have played the toughest schedule of the four remaining teams ...
per usual the final 4 teams have played 1-2 top 25 teams ...thats the norm
Kansas has 1 Duke
Villanova has 2 W Virginia T Tech
Loyola has 2 Tenn Miami (24)
Michigan has 1 and Texas AM finished 27th and were 5th at one point,Florida St 29th thats 3 top 30 teams --the only team that can say that
its not like everyone plays top 10 teams every round
on avg you only play 1-2 teams seeded higher that you if you are a 2 or 3 seed in NCAA touny no matter how the brackets shake out ...
I'd average them too if I could make Houston look like Duke.
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I get that the nature of the tournament is such that sometimes teams get easy breaks, but scUM's run of luck is one for the ages--they could get to the finals by only facing one team that was ranked in the top 25 in the final AP poll of the season (and that team was only ranked #21):

14-seed Montana (unranked)
6-seed Houston (ranked #21, and, let's be honest, should have won the game)
7-seed Texas A&M (unranked)
9-seed Florida St. (unranked)
11-seed Loyola (unranked)

I hate scUM as much as the next guy, but Ohio State was in scUM's region and could've done something about them. Instead, we lost to Gonzaga (again).

Unranked Florida State took out Xavier and Gonzaga - two ranked teams, reminding us again that "ranked" means fuck all. They then lost to scUM.
Unranked Texas A&M blew defending champs North Carolina off the floor. They then lost to scUM.
Houston could've buried scUM at the FT line. They failed. They could've prevented them from crossing half court in 1 second. They failed. Dude hit a shot. scUM won.
Montana was a 14 seed for reasons. Wanna play a 14 seed? Don't lose to Penn State three times, including in the B1G tournament (which scUM won).

They haven't lost a game in 7 weeks. That's a helluva lot of "luck". :roll1:
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Wanna play an 11 seed for a chance to play in the title game? Be lucky.

There is something like the 8th double digit seed to make the Final 4 since re seeding in 1979 ,there have been 12th seeds,11th seeds.10th seeds to make Final 4 ,its not like Michigan is the first team to play a double digit seed in the Final 4

The past 11 years there have been 5 teams seeded 10th or lower to make the Final 4,thats every other year
There has been a 7th seed or lower in eight straight Final 4s
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There is something like the 8th double digit seed to make the Final 4 since re seeding in 1979 ,there have been 12th seeds,11th seeds.10th seeds to make Final 4 ,its not like Michigan is the first team to play a double digit seed in the Final 4

The past 11 years there have been 5 teams seeded 10th or lower to make the Final 4,thats every other year
There has been a 7th seed or lower in eight straight Final 4s
Thanks for the useless info.
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Thanks for the useless info.

people saying Michigan had a lucky ride to Final 4
Im just pointing out that something like 20% of all final fours since the re seeding started has had a double digit seed,so its pretty common and not lucky

If Ohio St doesnt blow a 5 point lead with 5 minutes left (with the ball) vs a hobbled Gonzaga team,then gets outs scored 23-9 over the next 4:45
Maybe Ohio St wouldve been lucky enough to make this run ...

Michigan is the only team to beat three AP top 30 teams so far in this tournament and has a chance to beat 4 .... in the title game
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people saying Michigan had a lucky ride to Final 4
Im just pointing out that something like 20% of all final fours since the re seeding started has had a double digit seed,so its pretty common and not lucky

If Ohio St doesnt blow a 5 point lead with 5 minutes left (with the ball) vs a hobbled Gonzaga team,then gets outs scored 23-9 over the next 4:45
Maybe Ohio St wouldve been lucky enough to make this run ...

Michigan is the only team to beat three AP top 30 teams so far in this tournament and has a chance to beat 4 .... in the title game
You confuse lucky with rare or unique. Fix that.
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With you, unfortunately. I don't see how Loyola's clock doesn't strike midnight this week. Shocked it's that low- I could see ttun running them the heck out of the gym.

Go Nova.

Imagine what the line of this game would be if it was the second round instead of the F4? Should be a couple of points higher. It took three last-minute shots, one vs a Tennessee team minus their starting center, and a lot of other things adding up to a perfect storm for Loyola just to get to the F4.
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I hate scUM as much as the next guy, but Ohio State was in scUM's region and could've done something about them. Instead, we lost to Gonzaga (again).

scUM played Gonzaga or, for that matter, anyone light years within their capabilities as a team? Hmmm...I must've missed that tournament game.

The rest of your post is entirely non-responsive to my post which, among other things, had nothing to do with Ohio State.
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people saying Michigan had a lucky ride to Final 4

Um....yeah--when you get to play #9 seed FSU (overall committee rank #38) to get to the Final Four, followed up by #11 seed Loyola (overall committee rank #46) to get to the title game, that's pretty much the essence of luck. Ask Kansas, who had to play #2 seed Duke (overall committee rank #6) to get to the Final Four, and will have to beat #1 seed Villanova (overall committee rank #2) to get to the title game, if they would trade places with Michigan.
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