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2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament Discussion (Official Thread)

Whichever team makes their 3-pointers is going to win the National title
All four teams are similar,spread the court look for drive and kick 3s,decent size but pretty avg size (no Texas AM,FSU,Duke size left) .Should be a great Final 4

Michigan 81
Loyola 70

Kansas 81
Villanova 77

Michigan 73
Kansas 70

Michigan National Champions give us the one that Louisville bought in 2013
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I get that the nature of the tournament is such that sometimes teams get easy breaks, but scUM's run of luck is one for the ages--they could get to the finals by only facing one team that was ranked in the top 25 in the final AP poll of the season (and that team was only ranked #21):

14-seed Montana (unranked)
6-seed Houston (ranked #21, and, let's be honest, should have won the game)
7-seed Texas A&M (unranked)
9-seed Florida St. (unranked)
11-seed Loyola (unranked)
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I get that the nature of the tournament is such that sometimes teams get easy breaks, but scUM's run of luck is one for the ages--they could get to the finals by only facing one team that was ranked in the top 25 in the final AP poll of the season (and that team was only ranked #21):

14-seed Montana (unranked)
6-seed Houston (ranked #21, and, let's be honest, should have won the game)
7-seed Texas A&M (unranked)th
9-seed Florida St. (unranked)
11-seed Loyola (unranked)

Michigan 4 opponents have the highest AP and Ken Pom avgs of the remaining last four teams, so technically they have played the toughest schedule of the four remaining teams ...
per usual the final 4 teams have played 1-2 top 25 teams ...thats the norm
Kansas has 1 Duke
Villanova has 2 W Virginia T Tech
Loyola has 2 Tenn Miami (24)
Michigan has 1 and Texas AM finished 27th and were 5th at one point,Florida St 29th thats 3 top 30 teams --the only team that can say that
its not like everyone plays top 10 teams every round
on avg you only play 1-2 teams seeded higher that you if you are a 2 or 3 seed in NCAA touny no matter how the brackets shake out ...
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