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That GIF is like bacon. Makes everything it touches better.
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Said it before but I honestly believe Urban and the Buckeyes could've come up with a game plan to at least keep it within one score of Bama or outright beat Clemson. Unlike Notre Dame and OU, we actually have the talent on both sides of the ball. Just coaching fuckery that kept it from being great.

Definitely have a better offense than the one Clemson stuffed 2 years ago, but I'm not sure about our defense. I'd bet my next paycheck the Bucks would've put up a better fight than Notre fucking Dame.
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Our D might have let Clemson or Bama put up 60 pts but at least we would probably put up 40 ours
Said it before but I honestly believe Urban and the Buckeyes could've come up with a game plan to at least keep it within one score of Bama or outright beat Clemson. Unlike Notre Dame and OU, we actually have the talent on both sides of the ball. Just coaching fuckery that kept it from being great.

Our defense generally sucks. Our offense is potent enough that we could have done better than ND and likely ever better than OU and if our D could get their dick up for a whole game we could compete with Clemson and Bama.
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